The valid price for Apollo Intensa Emozione is 2.7 million dollars. We apologize for the mistake.
Welcome to Automotive Territory Daily News!
Many people would argue that an automobile is just a mean of transportation and should not be an item of exuberant luxury. However, rich people have convictions of their own regarding this matter and since demand always creates the supply, various small and big automakers make sure to build ever more expensive, luxurious and powerful cars every year to satisfy an already picky and spoiled buyer. Today we wanted to review the latest entries to the club of exotic supercars that are worth fortunes and at the same time a mere fraction of a billionaire’s bank account. But before we start our journey through kings’ garages, we wanted to remind you to become our subscriber if you enjoy interesting content about the Automotive world.
If you are interested in the cars presented in this video, you can always find out more info by following the links below.
1. McLaren Senna: goo.gl/cTye6g
2. Apollo Intensa Emozione: goo.gl/tzMeML
3. Ferrari FXX-K Evo: goo.gl/tSz8zn
4. Hennesey Venom F5: goo.gl/k6PQxM
5. Devel Sixteen: goo.gl/BL7oE4
6. Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG003S: goo.gl/55JL6G
7. Vulcano Titanium: goo.gl/Mgmi6z
8. ORAGE by Prato Automobiles: goo.gl/eBnrFV
9. Tramontana: goo.gl/u21waa
10. Lykan Hypersport: goo.gl/HVFxru
Music Credits:
Night by Ametryo: https://soundcloud.com/ametryo/night
Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu
SPOTIFY: spoti.fi/1dXZluG
iTunes: apple.co/1dqPsVu
Released by: Argofox
Release date: 8 June 2015
Vulacno titanium looks an awful lot like the Lexus……
i like looking at cars that i cant afford
what about when you can have them 3D printed? Could anyone have their own custom made car?
It's "Intense Emotion" not strong
Cool cars
About the venom it’s says that it probably have slower acceleration than Bugatti because it’s propulsion instead awd ????
Nobody’s ever heard about Koenigseeg around here?? I think that the GOD of speed ( Christian von Koenigseeg )
As proven that isn’t true lollllllllllll and the reel fight that I’m anxious to see is the venom f5 vs the regera
They say 1600 hp for the venom and for the regera it’s hard to be precise because they are not able to calculated the hp since it’s hybride so they say 1500 hp but Christian himself says that they say 1500 hp just to satisfied people’s but in reality it’s 1100 hp + from the v8 turbo + 700hp from the electric motors ( 3 in that facts)
So it’s more like 1800 hp than 1500 hp so it’s going to be a interesting fight 👍
Personally I’m ruling for Koenigseeg don’t get me wrong the venom looks 😍 but just for all the technology science and development that Koenigseeg himself did …….
Man that Guy is From another space you have to read about what’s in that car specially about the 3 électriques motors where there place and the no transmission thing
…. that’s right you ear right there’s no transmission in this car the 1100 hp v8 turbo fonction only with 1 gear the rest it’s all going accordingly with the electric motors
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍. It’s the most wonderful mechanics complex thing there is to date for a car .
Can’t wait to see what he comes next with 😍😍😍
SCG003S can go through Nurburgring in 6.33 seconds??? Lolol.
WARNING!!! A desire to become VERY WEALTHY, will cause greed and selfishness, and if you do this, you WILL worship “money & things”, instead of "ALMIGHTY GOD"!! This is a sin, which WILL result in eternal damnation with satan, in the endless pit of hell fire – NEVER TO ESCAPE!! So; is it really worth it ??
apollo ie is 2.7mil
Its ok
Orage by Prato 👌👍 awesome
The DEVEL is a scam.
#9 is there a single seater version? Lol
Why do you even include American lame attempts at HyperCar territory
Lyman hypersport 3.4m its number #1 in super cars 2018!?
you forgot a zero in the Apollo IE! 😛
The line 'cars should only be used as a transportation and not as a luxury item' as a massive car enthusiast annoys me so much because to me and other cars guys out there cars are an extension of our personally, an art form, a technical masterpiece and so much more
O wou!d have thought the Apollo would have been way more expensive.
Well done some of the nicest cars I've ever seen.
And love how you put the Devil Sixteen which is a fake car, and don't go telling me awwww it's real. It's not because no one outside of the company have seen it running and apparently it has 5000bhp and goes 500kph and yet the inside looks like someone bathroom and they promised a finished product about 5 years ago
293k for the Apollo, yeah you wish.
So the Scuderia SCG003S takes 3 seconds to reach 60mph and can run a complete lap at Nurburgring in 6.33 seconds that is AMAZING
How do u get the Apollo mixed with 293,200 when it worth 2.7 million.think u did that on purpose
you made way to many errors in your text goddamn how hard can it be
not one floats my boat.
I like the venom f5 that color and tail light combo is great.
Vulcano titanium you are so ugly. 2.7 million. lolololol
Awe, why can't i be picky & spoiled! ~truely, driving these.!
Right off the bat with the McLaren you need to fix the mistake of B8 instead of V8
Tramontana should have hired a CAR designer.
Fucking uggly cars…fuck the people ..let car designing over to the factory please !!! Morons !! Bahhh
The Maclaren senna is 750k
The Apollo Intensa Emozione is $2.7 Million, not $293K
WTF!!! The Apollo I.E costs 2.8 mio euros