Get a guided look at the combat system of Hi-Fi Rush, the latest from Tango Gameworks. Hi-Fi Rush is a rhythm action game …
Get a guided look at the combat system of Hi-Fi Rush, the latest from Tango Gameworks. Hi-Fi Rush is a rhythm action game …
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Hi-Fi Rush GOTY
So an anime happy version of Metal: Hellsinger with more of a story, melee instead of shooting, and probably some other things.
Great game the art work is amazing LETS GO XBOX!!!!!!!

Sad that innovative game like this in a few years will gets a f2p predatory gacha gensh*t impactish mobile game copying its mechanic and artstyle
This is a breath of fresh air in gaming, we don't see fun games like this anymore this is actually amazing

This needs an animated series like on Netflix or Amazon!!!!
We don't high details 3d games…we want this type of game
Who would have thought that a shadow dropped rhythm game would be a game of the year contender
recently play Metal: Hellsinger, that game was a doomesque game, this … this is a blend of sunset overdrive, anime, and punk-rock. shut up and take my money game pass!
I'm sold
A genuinely terrible game. Truly sad to see the LEGENDARY Shinji Mikami be associated with this drek.
Why does IGN video always look like poor quality? :/
Id cop this frfr
Reminds me of Sword of Symphony but with a more 2d aesthetic and devil may cry vibe. Looks interesting.
This game remember me a little bit to Viewtiful Joe but in ·3D
Please take some time and give this a go. Lots of fun, and one review said it like a Dreamcast era game, and really easy compare to most rhythm games but I'm playing on normal for now.
Who remembers jet set radio? Kinda reminds me of that beautiful game.
4:29 was that a cyber punk refence
That dude looks more Sonic than Sonic the Hedgehog himself.
808? See what you did there!
bellissimo , grandissimi
It actually looks stylish
The new mechanism they've come up with is so cool
Gonna give it a try
But still it's shocking to see this from Tango and Shingi Mikami
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no 1440P or higher? whats this 1080 sh!t?
Evil Within 3 > whatever this is…
Feels like they got inspired from No Straight Roads
The universe, it sings to me.
This could be an underdog type game of the year.
This is how you do a cool character. The people at Forspoken could learn a lot from this
it gives me sunset overdrive vibes.
They inspired from dmc5 combo music system
You've heard of Crypt of the NecroDancer? Meet the cooler and more bombastic cousin Hi-Fi Rush
Litterally a godsend of a game. It's scratches my Action game itch, it keeps me in the zone with the music coming together as a core part of the gameplay, the story thus far is pretty fun and the referential humor isn't jarring. Highly recommend.
Cel shaded game and from mikami san too lesgooo
Been playing it…its great! Its has an awesome retro game feel, like you are playing a “next gen” ps2 game, its relatively simple, fun, and the cinematic look is like jet set meets into the spider-verse, boss battles have their own legendary tracks and feels like a cool anime. All in all a breath of fresh air, game is just fun.
It seems a little slow to me in fights
Sunset Overdrive meets Guitar Hero?
The boss from Ghostrunner, cool
We need a Sunset Overdrive 2
This is beautiful
Jet Set Radio meets Patapon with a dash of Scott Pilgrim? Okay got it now