Best VR Games 2023 by Genre (All platforms PCVR, PSVR, Quest, Pico 4)

Best VR Games 2023 by Genre (All platforms PCVR, PSVR, Quest, Pico 4)

Today we are checking out the best VR games as of 2023 by Genre. It doesn’t matter if you are a fan of FPS, RTS, Puzzles or even …


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About the Author: Matteo311


  1. Few games you should to your Racing list. Assetto Corsa Competizione, Automobilista 2, RaceRoom, Oh and it's not Dirt Rally, it's Dirt Rally 2.0. Also American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 are both PCVR compatible that are also very good in the Genre.

  2. Fantastic list, thanks for compiling it! Hopefully we can get on the next years one with Rooms of Realities and Yupitergrad 2 coming your way this year <3

  3. Thank you Mat! Awesome vid, awesome reference list!
    To your question, I am not mentioning my fav 😛
    But I do get some tennis in a game you didn't mention:
    All-in-one Sports VR.
    The other sports are really good too in it, tennis stands out for me though.

  4. I watched the whole list and you did not mention OrbusVR under MMO or social games. I know its an oldie but will be celebrating five years on the Quest soon. I know the graphics are not cutting edge but the social element makes it great.

  5. Wow, this list was fantastic. I learned about so many new games to check out. What an exciting time to be alive!!! Thanks for your very hard work putting this together Matteo. With so much content, I can imagine it really did take a LONG time

  6. How's Left 4 Dead 2 VR mod not on co-op?
    It's still somehow one of the best things to do in VR if you can host. And it's definitely better than after the fall which tries to mimic it. Yes it's not as clean as it cause it's a mod but the gameplay and intensity is way better. And pvp as zombies and the old L4d2 mods all work too

  7. You forgot the original doom 1 2, and expansions vr mod with 3d models and quake 1 and 2 vr mods. All of them are top notch. Plus overload from the creators or descent has full vr capability you just need to add -vr or -steam ( im not home atm to verify which one) to the exe argument and viola. And course mincrafts vivecraft, which is perfect and beats the laughable vr edition mojang bullt. Then resident evil villages mod isnt bad either

  8. Thanks for the list, I am missing some titles here and some of the ones you have on the list are in more platforms than stated. F. e. In Death, it is PCVR (since original rift)

  9. My right now favorite FPS is "Into the Radius" . the game is addictive and the gameplay immersive. Also i recommend Payday 2 VR, heisting looting and robbing in many different scenarios. The number of DLCs is overwhelming, also as the way to play it. you can choose beten a large number of skillsets. From Stealth without any gunfight at all to Guns blazing, everything is possible and it can be played on PC-VR as well as on flatscreen. Thenumber of Online Players is still that much that it is on every time of the day no mproblem to form a team and go on a Heist. Last i mention Fallout 4 VR, still one of my favorite RPg/ Action Adventure FPS.

  10. great video. thanks for all the hard work. surprised not see risk of rain 2 or compound on the list. btw also really looking forward to Vertigo 2.

  11. Very good list, I have no objections. Some of my recommendations not mentioned in the video, in alphabetical order:
    Bean Stalker, Compound, Garden of the Sea, Kayak VR Mirage, Maskmaker, Puzzling Places

  12. As of October 2022, Project Cars 2 is no longer available due to expired car&track licensing deals. Its spiritual successor is Automobilista 2, which I can recommend as one of the best PCVR sim racing titles out there.

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