Seniors Try VR For The First Time – HTC Vive

Some friends stopped by the studio and tried virtual reality with the #HTCVive for the first time. See what they experienced and …


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About the Author: VRScout


  1. i remember when i brought my quest 2 headset to my grandpas place a few weeks after he came back from the hospital at 90. he used to take me on rollercoasters all the time as a kid so when i found out there was a rollercoaster game i knew he'd love it! technology sure has its benefits XD

  2. This will be us 20-30 year olds in 40 years when VR is even more advanced, like “oh when I was young we had these big clunky headsets that were like bricks that you had to wear.. looked a bit ridiculous but was still fun”

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