REAL MARINES | ONWARD | META QUEST 2 | VETERAN 24 TANGOS | Virtual reality Tactical Simulation

REAL MARINES | ONWARD | META QUEST 2  | VETERAN 24 TANGOS | Virtual reality Tactical Simulation

OPERATION: JOINT COMMANDO. JTF VIGIL has deployed Royal Marines Commando GLID & US MARINE GRUNTCOMM to infil …


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About the Author: GLID Gaming


  1. What is your set up for recording? Are you playing through your pc cause I can’t get good recordings looking through the scope on my oculus 2 like you do

  2. Lmao, was an infantryman in the army for years and always made fun of privates that called enemy targets "tangos" lol. Marines, I swear.

  3. I thought this was well done, however I did notice a mistake towards the beginning of the movement. When you first took contact and pushed through that first alley and then you got to the opening and had to cross to get to the side of the building, you were covering while he crossed first. Except you posted on the far side so when he crossed he went right in front of your sector of fire. You lowered your weapon so you didn’t flag him, which was good on you. However in a real world situation that should be avoided. Instead, you should have posted on the near side so he would cross behind you and you can still cover while he crosses without you flagging him. If you were to take contact in that moment or if you had a visual on enemy in the moment he was crossing, you wouldn’t be able to engage because you lowered your weapon to let him cross, and buddy would have gotten shot.

  4. Is there any discords or regular events or anything like that for Combat Veterans. This game has been nothing short of fantastic and fun. Alright im Charlie Mike. Chatty OUT

  5. I think this channel is really amazing how you are able to do this with actual training, but what/was is it like to be a Marine? No matter I think what you do is inspiring

  6. There’s a setting in the menu that will make it to where the gun will stick to your shoulder when you ads it’s really good for stability without having to use a controller stock

  7. They should make an online server, we’re there’s ex military. But there’s ex military as a terroirs group and a ex military being just military or swat etc. would like to see which teams would win. Like in real life combat but in vr 😅 like pvp or multiplayer.

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