In this episode of Podcast Beyond, the Beyond crew talk about whether or not the orientation of your PS5, vertical or horizontal, …
In this episode of Podcast Beyond, the Beyond crew talk about whether or not the orientation of your PS5, vertical or horizontal, …
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That scalpers mask is dope. They should sell it on the IGN shop.
Beyond Guys! Much love
Love this cast!
Was she actually upset about a fake turtle head in a jar? She's annoying
At least this week there’s someone who actually plays PlayStation, last week the 2 lads talked about psvr 2, an one says he’d only get it if it works with his PC, maybe go on the PC podcast instead
The dirtbag scalper bit was hilarious. Love it
playstation has loads of bugs!
The podcast has really gone downhill since Dornbush left
As someone who listens to this audio only on my way to work the, cat part was not great.
Love the scalpers sketch! You guys are killing it. Wow.
You could crouch through the crack

Prefer a vertical crack myself
that scalper demonstration was cute
Your a horizontal Crack! LMAO #comedybutton Max and Brian never leave please
So much hate for the podcast. If you don’t like it, don’t watch. It’s not that hard. We (fans) or IGN reallly don’t need you or your negativity.
Why would anyone sign up for IGN Rewards when the employees act like they don't even want to promote it? Websites like IGN are struggling to maintain readers in a changing media landscape and they need to do services like this to try and encourage users to use their website and earn money, the staff should be doing their best to support initiatives like that, not acting like it's a chore.
Lmao Altano's kid just there for the last 5 minutes
People are saying that Pascal doesn't like to have his face covered so they are making it to where TLOU show doesn't have spores in it.
Frenemies hoodie!!!♥️
Sorry ign..this cast is not getting it…make a change soon