Stephen A. reacts to the Cowboys’ win over the Giants: This means nothing to me! | First Take Stephen A. Smith and Michael Irvin …
Stephen A. reacts to the Cowboys’ win over the Giants: This means nothing to me! | First Take Stephen A. Smith and Michael Irvin …
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Cowboys still beat the giants when they were hurt
I want some to love me like Michael Irving loves the Cowboys
If Daniel Jones was on the jets he would be a great quarterback
the first INT was a mistake on Dak. They throught they drew an offside or neutral zone infraction and had a free play. Thats why it looked so bad. 2nd INT was a deflection not his fault.
We learned that Dallas is an overhyped regular season team that will choke when it Really matters
The giants shouid of won they went for it on 4th I.n 1 in saquan drop the ball that’s what change the game they had opperturnity to beat us
Win in them playoffs you can have a good record during the season that does not mean If you can finish
Yep Prescott is the handicap for this team
And all for nothing because Jerry Jones ain't gone go get odell. He sitting back loving all this speculation knowing he has no intention of pulling that trigger.
Steven you are sick in you mind
We never talk about Stephens A favorite team the Pittsburgh Steelers
Funny how Stephen A can make excuses for the Giants now but wouldn’t do the same if the cowboys were in the same predicament ….yet swore the cowboys were going to lose lol
danial jones is not a starter in this league
Stevie… Weres ur racist cowboy at???
Well Steve is
Steven ain't wrong on this one lol
I think Pewds is transforming into an angry Italian chef.
42 million special happened lol
bro salty

Healthy Giants rolls the Cowblows. No doubt
If the cowboys acquire OBJ, I really like their chances. I liked them BEFORE. It’s crazy to think the cowboys might ACTUALLY have a real shot this year..

Stephen A Smith your mom is bloated