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About the Author: penguinz0


  1. Okay, I think that black ops 3 is an 8 or 8.5, with the only con being that the campaign is ass, but multiplayer was fun, and zombies was amazing, and hey, can’t forget the 3 extra modes, nightmares, free run, and dead ops arcade 2!

  2. I feel like people that didn't like Sword and Shield just haven't played all the way through. It seems like a generic Pokemon game at first but kinda turns into something a little different from that. It was a good game and not even close to the worst.

    Black and White is loved by everyone it seems but are the worst games. Had a few good Pokemon but the starters were all trash and the map was just a boring circle with no cool secrets. "Oh but the story was cool". If the story was so good then recap it to me, you can't because you don't remember it. You dont remember it because it sucked

  3. Dude they just get paid to give good reviews. Why else does even the biggest pos game that everyone hates get what… 4-5 stars out of 10 automatically? Where are the 1-2 star reviews?
    Just like critic reviews on movies… totally out of touch and rigged BS.

  4. doom 2016 was probably the best arena shooter for its time, i mean, quake champions was the only thing comparable aside from small indie games like reflex that not many people play

  5. Ign was 1000% right about last of us, I am a last of us fanatic and loved the first game probably more than most people, it was and still is one of my favorites. But last of us 2 IS a masterpiece wether transphobic cucks hate to admit it, they don’t care Joel died, lol, matter a fact the MOST popular fan theory was that he was dead. And that Ellie gets revenge, and people foamed at the mouth at the idea. It was when these virgins found out Lev was trans, that the most retard*d group of people on earth got mad. But hey at the end of the day, ign got that right. And it making these people who have never seen a pussy in their life mad, makes my heart flutter. The best combat I’ve ever played, one of the most atmospheric games ever made, one of the smoothed soundtracks ever made, I mean for the love of god it’s great. Phenomenal even.

    But I will say I do agree with Mr moist over here. I feel like if they had done it in a different order it could have been better received.

  6. I'm sure Activision and other triple A publishers are partnered directly with IGN. It's hard to take any reviewer seriously when they have a direct stake in the success of the game.

  7. I played Days Gone last year (or even in 2020 can't remember) because it was free with the ps plus collection on PS5 and i honestly enjoyed it. Yeah there were some dumb and cringey dialogues/voice lines but overall i enjoyed the concept, world, gameplay and story. Hell the ending was a good plot twist that made me sad that there's never going to be a sequel because that ending really made things interesting for a sequel and had me wanting to know more. Then i went to IGNs review and saw a bunch of top comments with hundreds/thousands of likes saying no one should listen to their review and how they enjoyed it just like me and when i looked at other youtubers their reviews most of them gave it a decent/good score. So yeah idk how bad the launch was but i think it's worth playing now, it's a game i could recommended to people especially it being free for PS5 users.

  8. Reviews being literally paid for isn't the issue with journalists it's them being paid in terms of advance copies that make it so theyre better off giving positive reviews so they can be the first to publish each new title, that's much more common and widespread than being directly paid which still does happen you only need to look at the shadow of mordorwar games but at least that comes out eventually.

  9. If memory serves me right, the too much water was a joke, the reviewer was talking about the fact that there were too many water types in the game, and so the player leaned too much on electric type. But I didn't play the game nor care for IGN reviews all that much.

  10. They might not be outright paid off, but its well known that Triple A game companies will pay for game journalists to be flown out with comped hotel rooms etc as well as receiving early access to the games for review purposes. Do these things mean that they are guaranteed to give a positive review? Probably not. But I would wager that giving a negative review definitely doesn't help your chances of being invited back the next time.

  11. Strongly disagree. The worst pokemon games are the originals due to glitches that can render the game unplayable. Sword and Shield brought back the vibrant colors we lost in the jump to 3D

  12. tbh i played almost every pokemon game and sword and sheild was really good in my opinion, a lot of wrong directions but its still one of my favorites. i know everyone was mad about the models but i really do believe they rendered them different? the stylized lighting was a lot different in that game from X and Y

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