Resident Evil Village: The Winters’ Expansion reviewed on PlayStation 5 by Taylor Lyles. Also available on PC, PS4, and Xbox.
Resident Evil Village: The Winters’ Expansion reviewed on PlayStation 5 by Taylor Lyles. Also available on PC, PS4, and Xbox.
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It took me 4 and a half hours and it was a masterpiece
Seeing the baby the second time around was not nearly as frightening. duh
It wasn't call of duty. So, of course ign didn't like it
Why are you judging it like a full game? Some of the criticisms make sense sure but it sounds like you were expecting RE9 lol.
The reviewer needs to open their nasal path
This girl has no idea what she’s talking about IGN just hires anyone off the street now
Buy for PC Gaming System
My issue with this DLC is the price tag. It's literally a 20$ mod.
3rd Person and the additional characters for the mercenary mode should be free.
3rd Person even has some weird animations and camera angles unlike RE2 and RE3 remakes.
The exp is longer then re3r
Been playing the campaign in third person view mode. Plan on doing Winter's Expansion later.
6 wtf ign
A couple things…dont spoil parts of the story in the in the review, and how long should a DLC story be? 2-3 hours seems about right considering the length of the game.
Seems pretty unessential. Thanks for the review.
IGN judged the DLC like it's a standalone game
Also what did IGN expect third person was gonna do to the game, ofcourse it will be less scary. duh
dlc and giving us over the shoulder view gives the game way more replay value. Ign trippin as usual lol. Its just a toggle feature you can still play the game in its original 1st person. For the price this was easily 8/10 dlc.
This Reviewer has a stuffy nose.
What a terrible review
who asked for a dlc?the whole story is lame like it was written by a 10 years old turd
Do you want to show any more spoilers in this review? Geez…
The reviewer sounds super nasely
spoilers and no mention of the mannequin's? tssschhhhh crap review imho the mannequin's were the highlight of the dlc for me.
Don't worry this woke reviewers little by little are getting fired