The New iPad is Weird!

The new 10th gen iPad is one of the weirdest releases in years. Get that Camo Windbreaker: Apple iPad 10th …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. A repackaged iPhone 13 sold as the 14 for $900 (US), no USB C in the iPhones until forced to by law and now this. The days of mindless upgrades are over. Apple's gonna have to start becoming way more consumer friendly if they want my money more often. All of this is a massive insult to customers. Tech lasts way longer now. I'll keep my stuff until a worthy upgrade comes by.

  2. I am by no means an apple fan boy (I hate a lot of their business practices and don't own any apple devices), but from that thumbnail having the pen charge with a wire instead of connecting directly to the port is superior imo. You can still use the pen while it charges and if you want to store the iPad and charge the pen at the same time, then you can move the pen to fit the space you have.

    I highly doubt this is why Apple chose this though- they seem to hate having any functionality in their products.

  3. Logitech has already done the detachable keyboard thing with the Combo Touch for a long time and is also sold in Apple Stores. Plus there's more protection…

  4. We are to the point where we consider it to be weird when apple doesn't release a product that's just the exact same as the previous one

  5. For the pencil part, it's not a big problem for me as I've been using Logitech crayon as a replacement for Apple pencil gen 1. It has a similar technology as Apple pencil since Apple gives Logi license to use it. Unlike Apple pencil that needs to be plugged into the iPad to charge, the Logi one doesn't need to as it has a lightning port just like the iPad. So I just need the usb C to lightning cable, no adapter whatsoever. But yeah, I agree with everything in this video, the new iPad is just weird.

  6. Me looking at this iPad with my Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+ that has a camera on the long side and also a pen magnet on top (non-charging) and another spot for it that does charge it in a place that makes sense: hahahaha

  7. 5:37 stage manager is a feature that can only come to the iPads that can support it, and the iPads that can support it are iPads equipped with the A12X, A12Z, or any M-Series chip. Apple’s A14 is not powerful enough to support stage manager. There’s a reason why the iPad Air 4 and iPad mini 6 aren’t getting it: they literally aren’t powerful enough to support it

  8. For me it’s fucking obvious it’s just because Apple want to sell Mac and so they make this product as the price of a Mac, without all the function of a Mac. Because with the M2 it’s powerful as a Mac, but a Mac is way more expensive. So selling a Mac is more profitable to the company and so they don’t want to sell something that could replace a Mac at the price of an IPad ! So they do add some function but not all of them so you would buy a Mac and not an IPad if you need a real computer !

  9. This exists as a product between the lineup. Diversification where the competition has done for years. It's a smart move as it becomes an easier platform to upgrade or buy into if that's your budget. A product line with different ranges and pricing means you’re likely to pull in an array of customers with various needs who’ll be catered to by different cost categories. This is the norm for its other product categories such as the iphone and the mac. On top of that, it's a parts bin product. Apple can analyze demand and cut the line that does not do well based on opportunity costs.

  10. Just saying the 12.9" iPad Pro is big enough that the Pencil can go on the side where the camera currently is so the camera can move to a landscape position

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