This terrifying, outrageous tale takes flight as a serial killer is struck by lightning while holding his precious drone. Weeks later, the …
This terrifying, outrageous tale takes flight as a serial killer is struck by lightning while holding his precious drone. Weeks later, the …
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If that was me, I would smash the drone with that baseball bat and call it for the day
this movie wanted to be a porno, but the male actors couldn't get it up whenever a woman was in the shot, so they went with "comedy horror" instead.
8:28 I'm Chris…the neighborhood douchebag. You can tell by the way I wear my hat backwards inside my house. I'll be coming over late nights begging for meth.
4:46 there's always that one hacker on the SWAT team…
Not bad concept but could have a better developing.
SkyNet is insulted by this nonsense
Awesome Drone movie vibe. drone emoji
Amazing acting, comedy, suspense.

This movie shows the dangers of modern technology and how in the wrong hands it can be dangerous. Interesting concept film
People actually paid to watch this!?
Wonder why dji thinks of this
11:30 I think is a Parrot AR 2.0 Elite
LMAO but the ending was stupid
So….. she can hear it when it was outside the kitchen window but she can't hear it when it's right behind her in her office???
The only thing comedic about this movie is all of the holes in the story
I mean, how is it charging itself for one? It has no way to grab a USB and put it into itself. A drone that size can only lift a few pounds max yet throws a woman across the room?? Etc, etc, etc. C'mon man
0:20 in case you were looking for Chris D'Elia and John Mayer.
Why is it when you watch You Tube FREE movies & you hit the skip ad button, you can't get back to the movie?
Those condescending detectives really pissed me off.
5 mins. in and I'm outta here!
What is this even?
How the hell is this a comedy lol the ending is tragic AF
Thats intense.
I had to stop watching at 7 minutes. What kind of pedo script writer and cast is ok with a little girl talking about the stuff she was saying. NOT COOL. WEIRDOS.
Didn't know Christine had a drone did you?
Hammer time
Not too much of a comedy unless you want to consider the imperfections or shortcomings.
Why shouldn't AI fit in with demoniac possession?
The AI was only partially revealed which may have weakened the story line just a little.
But the power of the drone might be a little exaggerated sometimes.
The drone would have to have serious power to kill people and other stunts. This would take very powerful AI, very powerful battery, and very powerful machinery.
This is all a fantasy like Chucky. A little more obvious super technology may go more Sci-fi.
Movies are more difficult to construct than a written story. Conceivably, so many scenes can cost millions and so movie makers have trouble re-doing scenes and other expenses. Writing work costs less and then there are comics.
Serious horror and terror notes and so not suitable for children.
Great Efforts!
Charles Lee Ray put the soul transfer spell on the Internet…