When is the release date and how much will this cost?
Thats the natural way of having a camera i would love to have that one on my next Trip he he
All good and exciting until you see the picture at the end.
xD that's my name!
I really want it to shoot video plz let it shoot video.
I saw my daughters first steps which made me sad.. because i have a bigger boner for my iphone then experiencing real moments. All these autonomous drones like the Lilywatevr are a cool novelty… but give me a phantom over this stuff anyday
it is fantastic
Am I the only one that was impressed? The final thing obviously will have better image quality. He just took a little flying robot, threw it in a direction, it flew, took a photo of them, flew back, he could put it back on his wrist. That's some futuristic shit!
lousy resolution and range is within human height
After watching product videos that was incredibly anti-climactic.
Is it me or that's a chubby Ronda rousey?
When can I buy it?
How much?
good team with good idea
since when doed rhonda rousey sell drones?
When is the release date and how much will this cost?
Thats the natural way of having a camera
i would love to have that one on my next Trip
he he
All good and exciting until you see the picture at the end.
xD that's my name!
I really want it to shoot video plz let it shoot video.
I saw my daughters first steps which made me sad.. because i have a bigger boner for my iphone then experiencing real moments. All these autonomous drones like the Lilywatevr are a cool novelty… but give me a phantom over this stuff anyday
it is fantastic
Am I the only one that was impressed? The final thing obviously will have better image quality. He just took a little flying robot, threw it in a direction, it flew, took a photo of them, flew back, he could put it back on his wrist. That's some futuristic shit!
lousy resolution and range is within human height
After watching product videos that was incredibly anti-climactic.