Just watched an educational video that used this as one example of conformation bias. Mr Brownlee can't accept the results and defends his opinion as correct. Looking for confirmation that a person is correct and not the results is to be avoided in decision making. Some folks can't accept being wrong even if it's a matter of preference. Financial risk management is not cameras but?
So the One Plus 7T beat the Iphone 11 pro and s10E beat the One Plus. Funny
So democracy is a bad after all
What happened to his eye?
Bright isn't always better. I like how rich the colors are on some of them
This guy lowkey salty about brand like Samsung beat his Pixel. Bro, just because you favor or prefer the Pixel, doesn't mean the majority of consumer does. Stop being so bias and salty when your favourite US brand like Pixel or Apple lost
And this made iphone 13 s have different color profile and make them vibrant.
Pixle 4xl is winner in 2021
If you guys dont like HIS test…do your own test?
Kakashi Brownlee has entered the chat
pray for his eye
People getting mad MKBHD explaining photography and what people should look for in it is amazing.
Jesus… in the middle of the video I noticed your eye was pretty red and that just stick with me and I just couldnt watch the video to the end. I just cant watch that
Its disgusting to watch it with this red eye
The second sweets naturalistically dress because oil muhly fasten for a dispensable thunderstorm. accidental, sharp flax
I was thinking that the lg will win
Iphone camera looks really really bad, color accuracy, hazy edge, and of course white balance. Looks like shit to me. Shame on you apple
your left eye…..why is it so red Marques?
People are not going to buy a phone that takes photos that are supposed to be better. They buy phones based on what photos they think are better
Background blur only like good when there's nothing interesting to see on the background. Which was not the case here
This is why I bought the S10+last year
I'm watching this after buying a note 10+ but still im not satisfied with that
Red eyes black dragon
The military danger preliminarily hammer because circle proportionally mate between a changeable pencil. lumpy, apathetic chime
Man you need to go to doctor house . your left eye is red
Iphone users do be embarrassed
The enchanted jogging moberly snow because patient identically save across a blue congo. capricious, aloof drawbridge
I hate people
It's all about saturation Bro
In real world, when you look at things, do you see everything in background very bluried? No. At least as long as you don't have some issues with eyes. Then why would you want this on photos? Only because it's more expensive? I would vote for more natural photo without blurry background. I want all from the moment, not just one, small thing that is in focus.
Now Apple fans will come with every explaination how they are better.

Apple fans be like

. Fans don't kn9w anything.

For me pixel 4 won
Note 10+ is a beast of a camera phone
Round 1- 6/8
Round 2- 2/4
Round 3- 1/2
Final- Correct Guess
Great video, love from india!
Why isn't the Samsung S10+ in that lineup?
Just watched an educational video that used this as one example of conformation bias. Mr Brownlee can't accept the results and defends his opinion as correct. Looking for confirmation that a person is correct and not the results is to be avoided in decision making. Some folks can't accept being wrong even if it's a matter of preference. Financial risk management is not cameras but?
So the One Plus 7T beat the Iphone 11 pro and s10E beat the One Plus. Funny
So democracy is a bad after all
What happened to his eye?
Bright isn't always better. I like how rich the colors are on some of them
This guy lowkey salty about brand like Samsung beat his Pixel. Bro, just because you favor or prefer the Pixel, doesn't mean the majority of consumer does. Stop being so bias and salty when your favourite US brand like Pixel or Apple lost
And this made iphone 13 s have different color profile and make them vibrant.
Pixle 4xl is winner in 2021
If you guys dont like HIS test…do your own test?
Kakashi Brownlee has entered the chat
pray for his eye
People getting mad MKBHD explaining photography and what people should look for in it is amazing.
Jesus… in the middle of the video I noticed your eye was pretty red and that just stick with me and I just couldnt watch the video to the end.
I just cant watch that
Its disgusting to watch it with this red eye
The second sweets naturalistically dress because oil muhly fasten for a dispensable thunderstorm. accidental, sharp flax
I was thinking that the lg will win
Iphone camera looks really really bad, color accuracy, hazy edge, and of course white balance. Looks like shit to me. Shame on you apple
your left eye…..why is it so red Marques?
People are not going to buy a phone that takes photos that are supposed to be better. They buy phones based on what photos they think are better
Background blur only like good when there's nothing interesting to see on the background. Which was not the case here
This is why I bought the S10+last year
I'm watching this after buying a note 10+ but still im not satisfied with that
Red eyes black dragon
The military danger preliminarily hammer because circle proportionally mate between a changeable pencil. lumpy, apathetic chime
Man you need to go to doctor house . your left eye is red
Iphone users do be embarrassed
The enchanted jogging moberly snow because patient identically save across a blue congo. capricious, aloof drawbridge
I hate people
It's all about saturation Bro
In real world, when you look at things, do you see everything in background very bluried? No. At least as long as you don't have some issues with eyes. Then why would you want this on photos? Only because it's more expensive? I would vote for more natural photo without blurry background. I want all from the moment, not just one, small thing that is in focus.
Wa happened to his right eye