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About the Author: IGN


  1. Why is there STILL no breakaway rims??? Why do these dunks look generic still??? Everyone is just jumping over the rim for a dunk without touching it, WHY??? 🗣FIX IT!!!!

  2. It’s wild this scored worse then madden, with more game modes that don’t use micro-transactions then madden has all together! Something smells fishy

  3. Im really looking forward to the NBA season 2022/2023!, but this game dose not feel complete without all of the goats who played the game Barkley & Miller just to name a few!

  4. How about having someone that really knows 2k to review the game..this is one of the best 2ks ever..what’s the difference between fortnight and these other games..real 2k players are not complaining

  5. bro this the best 2k been in YEARSSS, and the microtransations are bad every year, yall just now saying something now?? this the year its not as bad as the others too im already level 90😂

  6. This is one of the best 2ks in a long time. U keep giving madden love tho. Yet this, a sports game that is actually improved gets no love and gets a critical review. Do the same with MADDEN. Give it a 3, what it deserves. But nope, y’all just love showing madden love

  7. I'm glad IGN is finally calling 2K out for this literal Play-to-win model. I've been screaming how tedious and time consuming they make it.

  8. Funny how y’all choose the best 2k in recent memory to review the game like this considering the fact that 22,21 etc had the same problems with micro transactions and yet madden some how has a higher score??? Someone has it out for 2k this year lol

  9. Really was not expecting a score like that for the amount of praise it got for presentation and some gameplay improvements. It seem like the only negatives was the amount of microtransactions and how people who spent for editions like the Michael Jordan or Championship edition get more of an advantage. Also how can you fairly review NBA 2k23 when you don't even mention MyTeam and its changes that it went through.

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