If it wasn't for VR being such a niche technology, this would 100% be used for propaganda and manipulation.
I'm 5 years late, but I think this is important if we had more of this available. In Journalism there's a chart that shows where the main news outlets fall on Fact/Opinion, Liberal/Conservative, and how much opinion they include day to day. Seeing these stories on a screen, a 2D plane, you can only sympathize but so much, but bringing it into VR and tying it as close as possible to the scene how it was when such and such event happened, makes you feel what happened, in the moment. With this technology, I can see this building bridges and hopefully it molds our future into growth.
I do understand what she wants to do but this just looks like a game… I don't really know if this is a good way to make people "feel something"…
First I'd like to begin this ice – breaker with a thumbs down, not because of your looks but. It is one thing to try and make of living for yourself to support yourself and others. However this is what we do and if we have the gift and talent to go beyond our normal jobs in the 'real world' then who are you people to tell us differently if we can't. When you as an individual make the decision to abstract a human beings life and private conversations with self- you live with that? But it does not give concrete evidence to the new world in which you have created around you that you are, (anything). Especially not implying the relation to a self defining your perpetration as skill or acquired success for them to be jealous of- and this is coming from the one you stealing from with…… talent. Who wants theft money but one who requires a panderer. Girl.. you go Head!
Well, nice job. Solving the wrong problem with journalism.
Thank you, Ms. de la Peña, for such great information on VR and how we can use this medium to tell such immersive stories and share with the world.
VR as a technology is truly innovative. However this intersection of VR and Journalism as it is envisaged in this talk this is seriously unsettling, infused with the the notion that somehow journalistic accuracy and depth can be attained by extending VR into the practice of journalism. This is why it is potentially extremely dangerous as vehicle than can, and I suspect will, be used as a blatant technology for spreading misleading and outright false news.
I am absolutely in favor of digital technology changing and morphing our professional domains and fields of practice. However this example a clear and blatant attempt at producing a machine of outright manipulation and lies and feeding them to the public in a compelling audio-visual format.
How will it be possible to discern the real from the virtual once this technology is perfected?
you miss Venezuela Nonny, don´t have to go far away, just around the corner.
PLEASE READ THIS AND UP-VOTE IF YOU CARE ABOUT EFFECTIVE PUBLIC CONVERSATION: No one seems to think about this or care (especially Youtube), but the fact that Youtube sets the comment-sort setting default to "Top Comments" instead of "Newest First" (a setting that probably 95% of people don't even notice) essentially KILLS real conversation. It reduces the possibility of real conversation to hundreds of people barraging the select few (who got lucky enough to comment and get an up-vote or 2 early after the video's posting) with comments and disproportionately large amounts of more up-votes, simply because they were there early on. Everyone else, regardless of how valid or insightful their comment is, gets buried in a sea of comments never to be seen, simply because most people aren't aware of, or don't understand the true utility of, switching the comment-sort to "Newest First." Don't believe me? Switch to "Newest First" and you'll see that hardly any comments have even a single like (because no one saw them). I don't know why I'm still going on, because probably no one will ever see this. Please message Youtube if you see this and care.
This is kind of already dated. I tried some VR back in April that was captured using real 360• cameras and 3D mics- one was downhill skiing and the other was white water rafting. Eventually scene reconstruction won't be necessary.
Sure. News. But this isn't journalism.
My fear is: It can be use to make me fell emphaty, but can make me fell emphaty by a lie, or put emotions where the reason is more needed…
At least make those graphics believable..
As a journalist I find this disturbing. The only way to 'accurately' represent a scenario is to record events as they happen, and then play them back. Any element of 'reconstruction' by someone, journalist or no, involves an element of narration and projection that is extremely subjective. — In other words, this isn't journalism, it's art.
Great now we can truly be there for those throwing babies out of incubators, gulf of tonkin and SAA using sarin gas incidents!
To those who express concern over media bias, propaganda and deceit: I hear you on that. That will remain a problem with something like this to the same extent that it is today, perhaps even with deeper consequences. However, I feel it is important to recognise that this is not a problem with media or journalism itself. It is a problem with the existing market conditions in which the media and journalism currently operates. Privatised and politically charged from the top down. It's systemic, not individually applicable to each journalist. The only way to fix that is to separate journalism from the profit motive. To separate news reporting from the interests of those the news relate. Put plainly, to disallow companies like News Corporation from even existing to begin with. They are an unnecessary relic of a pre-internet age, and do not belong.
This is really good and will have a big impact in the world. Its best to work with gaming companies who already have the technology to improve the graphics to make it even more realistic.
Not surprised, even in VR nobody helps, just looks as he's seizuring.
Low blood sugar doesn't cause seizures and I've never seen a seizure that looked like that. They are just making things up to illicit the response they want.
this does seem trivial in the face of the incompetent state of journalism in the modern era.
nobody will escape from God
we are near the time when God will get his revenge on the heathens who use their privelidge to exploit others
If this is combined with recent camera technology such as the globe-looking 360*2 thingy seen in recent articles (google it if you care), millions of people could attend newsworthy scenarios as they happen, in the virtual realm. Imagine what emphatic emotions such news castings would communicate. I sure hope this gets used to erradicate corruption, by eliminating middle hands in the whisper-game state of current journalism.
this was truly amazing, to see how technology can be used in every aspect of our lives. As long as it used correctly and not as a tool of propaganda
Oh god imagine adds in that system…
I can´t help myself, but she seems to me like some Disney villain that wants to somehow scam me
We have become so desensitized to news headlines. This approach offers new perspective!
This is awesome. Using technology, Nonny de la Pena and her team creates an impressive virtual reality scene to place the viewers in the middle action. Gone are the days, where we consumed news through Idiot boxes (both Radio and TV). It's the age of intelligence. I hope all over the world, the media will take this idea seriously and come out with compelling stories.
For me, journalism is truth. But what is the truth?
this dude
Great concept poor execution if all you're going to be is bias and un-journalistic. Gross. Another layer of falsehood.
If it wasn't for VR being such a niche technology, this would 100% be used for propaganda and manipulation.
I'm 5 years late, but I think this is important if we had more of this available. In Journalism there's a chart that shows where the main news outlets fall on Fact/Opinion, Liberal/Conservative, and how much opinion they include day to day. Seeing these stories on a screen, a 2D plane, you can only sympathize but so much, but bringing it into VR and tying it as close as possible to the scene how it was when such and such event happened, makes you feel what happened, in the moment. With this technology, I can see this building bridges and hopefully it molds our future into growth.
I do understand what she wants to do but this just looks like a game… I don't really know if this is a good way to make people "feel something"…
First I'd like to begin this ice – breaker with a thumbs down, not because of your looks but. It is one thing to try and make of living for yourself to support yourself and others. However this is what we do and if we have the gift and talent to go beyond our normal jobs in the 'real world' then who are you people to tell us differently if we can't. When you as an individual make the decision to abstract a human beings life and private conversations with self- you live with that? But it does not give concrete evidence to the new world in which you have created around you that you are, (anything). Especially not implying the relation to a self defining your perpetration as skill or acquired success for them to be jealous of- and this is coming from the one you stealing from with…… talent. Who wants theft money but one who requires a panderer. Girl.. you go Head!
Well, nice job. Solving the wrong problem with journalism.
Thank you, Ms. de la Peña, for such great information on VR and how we can use this medium to tell such immersive stories and share with the world.
VR as a technology is truly innovative. However this intersection of VR and Journalism as it is envisaged in this talk this is seriously unsettling, infused with the the notion that somehow journalistic accuracy and depth can be attained by extending VR into the practice of journalism. This is why it is potentially extremely dangerous as vehicle than can, and I suspect will, be used as a blatant technology for spreading misleading and outright false news.
I am absolutely in favor of digital technology changing and morphing our professional domains and fields of practice. However this example a clear and blatant attempt at producing a machine of outright manipulation and lies and feeding them to the public in a compelling audio-visual format.
How will it be possible to discern the real from the virtual once this technology is perfected?
you miss Venezuela Nonny, don´t have to go far away, just around the corner.
PLEASE READ THIS AND UP-VOTE IF YOU CARE ABOUT EFFECTIVE PUBLIC CONVERSATION: No one seems to think about this or care (especially Youtube), but the fact that Youtube sets the comment-sort setting default to "Top Comments" instead of "Newest First" (a setting that probably 95% of people don't even notice) essentially KILLS real conversation. It reduces the possibility of real conversation to hundreds of people barraging the select few (who got lucky enough to comment and get an up-vote or 2 early after the video's posting) with comments and disproportionately large amounts of more up-votes, simply because they were there early on. Everyone else, regardless of how valid or insightful their comment is, gets buried in a sea of comments never to be seen, simply because most people aren't aware of, or don't understand the true utility of, switching the comment-sort to "Newest First." Don't believe me? Switch to "Newest First" and you'll see that hardly any comments have even a single like (because no one saw them). I don't know why I'm still going on, because probably no one will ever see this. Please message Youtube if you see this and care.
This is kind of already dated. I tried some VR back in April that was captured using real 360• cameras and 3D mics- one was downhill skiing and the other was white water rafting. Eventually scene reconstruction won't be necessary.
Sure. News. But this isn't journalism.
My fear is: It can be use to make me fell emphaty, but can make me fell emphaty by a lie, or put emotions where the reason is more needed…
At least make those graphics believable..
As a journalist I find this disturbing. The only way to 'accurately' represent a scenario is to record events as they happen, and then play them back. Any element of 'reconstruction' by someone, journalist or no, involves an element of narration and projection that is extremely subjective. — In other words, this isn't journalism, it's art.
Great now we can truly be there for those throwing babies out of incubators, gulf of tonkin and SAA using sarin gas incidents!
To those who express concern over media bias, propaganda and deceit: I hear you on that. That will remain a problem with something like this to the same extent that it is today, perhaps even with deeper consequences. However, I feel it is important to recognise that this is not a problem with media or journalism itself. It is a problem with the existing market conditions in which the media and journalism currently operates. Privatised and politically charged from the top down. It's systemic, not individually applicable to each journalist. The only way to fix that is to separate journalism from the profit motive. To separate news reporting from the interests of those the news relate. Put plainly, to disallow companies like News Corporation from even existing to begin with. They are an unnecessary relic of a pre-internet age, and do not belong.
This is really good and will have a big impact in the world. Its best to work with gaming companies who already have the technology to improve the graphics to make it even more realistic.
Not surprised, even in VR nobody helps, just looks as he's seizuring.
Low blood sugar doesn't cause seizures and I've never seen a seizure that looked like that. They are just making things up to illicit the response they want.
this does seem trivial in the face of the incompetent state of journalism in the modern era.
nobody will escape from God
we are near the time when God will get his revenge on the heathens who use their privelidge to exploit others
If this is combined with recent camera technology such as the globe-looking 360*2 thingy seen in recent articles (google it if you care), millions of people could attend newsworthy scenarios as they happen, in the virtual realm. Imagine what emphatic emotions such news castings would communicate. I sure hope this gets used to erradicate corruption, by eliminating middle hands in the whisper-game state of current journalism.
this was truly amazing, to see how technology can be used in every aspect of our lives. As long as it used correctly and not as a tool of propaganda
Oh god imagine adds in that system…
I can´t help myself, but she seems to me like some Disney villain that wants to somehow scam me
We have become so desensitized to news headlines. This approach offers new perspective!
This is awesome. Using technology, Nonny de la Pena and her team creates an impressive virtual reality scene to place the viewers in the middle action. Gone are the days, where we consumed news through Idiot boxes (both Radio and TV). It's the age of intelligence. I hope all over the world, the media will take this idea seriously and come out with compelling stories.
For me, journalism is truth. But what is the truth?
this dude
Great concept poor execution if all you're going to be is bias and un-journalistic.
Gross. Another layer of falsehood.