Are you curious to know what it is like driving a McLaren supercar through the city? Here are a mix of supercar reactions!
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1:25 is that Matt from TheSmokingTire?
people are so strange around things they are jealous of
Why do people feel like the have to got an opinion seeing a supercar … just enjoy it, you see a Murci, 570s and a MP12c just… why so much dang I feel bad for him u gotta deal with people like that everyday dawg… that’s sad tho… not u, those people bruh.
0:49 Crazy Train?
Those shit's are not supercars
I live in London and I see every 100 meters supercars and I am not impressed

why these people in america wonder
Whats the name of the intro song?
Just by having an f10 m5 im getting some knee jerk reaction from ppl when i drive it around , cannot imagine ppl driving exotics would be getting daily
That is purposedly why I do not buy a supercar, people’s childish and jealous behaviour. I own a Tesla, which everyone does nowadays, and it usually has the same techicalities anyways…
For a dude named the leviathan you seem very awkward
I dont get why you have the music blocking the sound..
Kids like nice cars. We should all be like kids
I'm so happy when i see someone driving they supercar, why so many people get so jealous lol
Menudo pringao, si adora que le miren
Hate is real lol
Congrats bro your ass Is viral
Are is he from? And where’s he?
you lack a bit of humor but it's alright you got the money
How can you keep the noise down when you got a supercar??? Jelo is everywhere.. .
I'm a bit bewildered. You film reaction videos, and countless times people give you a compliment, and you either don't thank or even acknowledge them. It comes across a bit snobby. Is this intentional? I'm genuinely curious. Your videos would be a lot livelier if you maybe embraced the reactions, good or bad. Just a thought.
Jealousy and envy are not good ways to be, if you want something someone else has, than work for it
Owning a super car makes you a instant celebrity, best feeling in the world
bro are you many koshbin?
Good youtuber ! You make really good content !
I dont undestand why people hate on others with exotic cars. They are legit putting art on the streets..
I personally wouldnt get a McLaren or a Lamborghini if I had the money
I enjoy some big Mercedes or Prosche Cayenne / Macan way more and I feel like they are more comfortable while not being as exotic
Why be a shit bag see how nervous you move makes a shitty video man what's point
Best feeling.
Are you a pablo escobar sicario?
[haters mode on]
It's a McLaren

Wow very awkward
That 1st guy was so butthurt that he had to show it
Nice car McLaren
what happened with your neck bro?
1:25 Matt said that because he thought u just bought it for cruising and show. Ur not using the car for what it’s supposed to be used for. Typical rich people man
2:35 fucking ladies
Whites are the only jealous and racist towards anyone with nicer things then them, the very jealous ones will damage it.
why do you look around like you just stole it lmao
fast putting in neutral
valves are open
Let’s get it
They're jelous because they cant afford to buy a super car.
Jesus these people are braindead
This guy follow me 2/3 year ago and then i follow him and sudenly out of nowhere he unfollow me of course i didnt know it until i realize it, how crazy people do to get follower smh. It pissed me off then i talk to myself "this channel will going nowhere."
great value Manny Koshbin
But he even seems not very nice or friendly
Can we calloborate
That's f'n Asians comments pisses me off
3:37 nice car sir.
real polite and respectful fella