ummm i made a movie in virtual reality called Kingdom City Drowning that i released in 2017 on the Oculus store. Idk what Matt is talking ab "first virtual reality movie"
They’re going to make the earth so uninhabitable and expensive to live in that we’ll have to participate in VR just for a semblance of happiness where our existence will be run by some tech bro who owns 3 monkey head jpegs
I like the idea of REAL games in VR. I bet playing Zelda, Skyrim, and The Witcher would be so fun! VRChat is cancer, though…
What I'm really waiting for are those full dive games like they have in manga and anime where you can make real world money easily by earning in game money and your physical health and knowledge outside the game impact your performance inside the game. Like that'd ever happen, though… I wanna play Twilight Prince and be able to feel and smell and taste everything. That'd be so awesome! I promise someone somewhere would find someway to ruin it for everyone, though…
That's complete bullsh!t. VR is a tool, a wonderful tool at that. It's like a gun. Guns are just tools. The gun or VR headset don't even know they exist. It's the user who determines whether the tool is used for good, bad or indifferent. VR has changed and improved NUMEROUS industries. I'll name a few now:
1. The Film Industry has made interactive experiences where viewers can interact and change outcomes of storylines. It also is more immersive for the viewer. With films that aren't interactive, its still a more 3D experience, getting closer to the producer's vision.
2. The Medical Industry has been able to make MAJOR advancements with prosthetics, due to being able to 3D print in a 3D space. State of the art micro-surgeries have also been developed while in the 3D space due to VR.
3. Law Enforcement, C.S.I, Forensics, etc.., have been able to streamline investigations due to 3D modeling of evidence and even receive entire crime scenes either virtual CGI created versions or 3D photo scanned versions.
4. Real Estate is actually being purchased long distance, due to Virtual Tours. Whether the buyer can't make it to the property for whatever reason.
5. Make a Wish and other organizations like it have been able to make terminal patients' dreams come true, when it comes to visiting places they can't make it to, again, this is due to employees, volunteers, content creators etc.., visiting places, riding rides with POV view, photo-scans, 3D cameras and the list goes on.
This is taking an EXTREME, ignorant, uneducated view and Fear Tactic to push a narrative.
Except they do listen to you. Many times I’ve had something come up in conversation that I decide to look up online and after typing only a couple of letters the exact thing I am looking up has popped up on my search recommendations. It’s scary how little privacy we really have in today’s world.
Ok Vrchat is Vrchat it’s full of weirdos, don’t base VR off of Vrchat ok I play a few hours a day of a military simulator called onward
takes likes this are why the left owned the youth, the media and what is cool for so long. Conservatives are getting better at not being lame, but somehow ya’ll keep forgetting what it was like to be a kid. Also, you really need to stay current on tech and how things work. Otherwise you sound dumb, dated, and like a loser (to kids and to the people you need to win over). That’s how we keep losing the youth and falling short of what is cool.
Yes of course people can’t be flying cars around because people are idiots. However, flying cars would never be self drivable (for most). yes, we probably will have flying cars, but only after AI, networking, battery tech, motor tech and all that gets good enough that you can have a network of flying taxis taking people where they need to go. It could easily happen. Will it? maybe? depends on if we make it long enough to get there, and it becomes cheap enough to bother.
Same with the VR. I fully agree with you that this is a nightmare. They want us to be dumb, fat, and entertained by this shit so we just shut up and do what we’re told (and fill us up with whatever propaganda). It also allows all the worst human impulses to be manifest and multiplied because people think terrible things are ok because it’s not real. HOWEVER, VR games that are not online, that are just a regular video game but with the VR UI/UX could be amazing. It’s another distraction we don’t need, but that doesn’t make it not the coolest thing ever. Also, just like we learned that violent video games don’t make you violent, we might learn this release of doing crazy shit online actually heals people. Not saying it does, but it might.
It’s real easy to come off as a douche talking about video games If you don’t play video games. you start to sound like a democrat talking about guns. It’s not good. Consult your younger team more often. On stuff like this lol… not anything important. Kids are still idiots, but they do know what’s cool. We need to get back the culture, the youth, and cool from these assholes. I love the show btw, just offering some constructive criticism. Not saying I’m 100% right, and I sure as hell didn’t say it eloquently, but I still remember what it was like to be a young moron.
The only cool thing about VR is Half Life Alyx or Beat Saber. Personally I can't stand VR cause it makes me throw up. However for gaming it's cool. HOWEVER when you incorporate VR into social… you can entirely erase someone's life and people can really fall into VR full time and that's extremely dangerous.
I love VR, but I'm interested only in VR games. I tried vrchat ones and deleted it after 5 minutes. There is literally nothing to do, it's boring app/game for boring people.
Like most things, use in moderation. I play a heavily modded build of Skyrim VR a few hours a week and its fine, its cool to feel like you're in this magic infused world killing dragons. However, when I was downloading mods, some of the ones you see, make you question if humanity is worth saving lol. Dark stuff from talented people that are using their talents for really gross fantasies. Secularism is the poison, not VR.
VR has great applications and can have great benefits. If you look at it though through a very narrow lens it doesn't look good though.
Jesus is coming soon!!!!!!
How many of these people would truly prefer in person interaction but are too socially awkward to do so? Only to go to their VR cesspools and affirm their bad social tendencies and dive just an inch deeper into madness…
Platforms like Second Life have been around for over a decade though…
VR has terrible graphics, a hard pass for me.
1910 this just in radios are a threat to humanity.
Looks like our future is looking a lot like the movie Ready Player One along with other movies set in the future.
20 years ago, I figured out that many people indulge in their worst behavior with the semi-anonymity of the internet. It's only become worse.
Go figure all the female VR members are dressed up as anime lolita fox people. How 90s.
Watching VR video as i type. One question i have is WHY?, WHY?, WHY? do they so much need this now? WHAT has happened to make this so appealing ? This is so dreadful. So dreadful. The dear children in this country. In the new world disaster. How can our hearts not ache and grieve? Lord, have mercy… LORD, have mercy. Thank you, Matt.. as much as i grieve to see this.
The internet ruins people's morality and character. VR helps this truth by making it so much closer to a "real life experience," which is a bad thing.
Augmented reality allows view of the real world and the virtual at the same time.
There's many practical use cases for it, Zuckerberg's vision really isn't one of them..
Pretty awesome tech that's barely had the surface scratched as to those actual useful use cases.
Ngl, this sounds crazy appealing as an alternative to suicide. I've def been harmed by the internet and medical industry just cannot help or keep up with me n my depression at this point. VR might keep me from hanging myself tho.
Can we just hook up all the wannabe commies to vr and let them live in their communal dump there? How are they gonna keep people from getting their feelings hurt in VR? Seems to be a big issue with the left. If your in VR all day you won't notice how awful your country is.
Whatever man RE4 in VR is too sick
If everyone had flying cars the recently demolished Georga Guide Stone's prophesy of 500,000,000 total earth population would soon be a reality.
We can have a human future with sexual reproduction and believe in God/Elohim/Allah and use VR for fun. I would like to be an animal, wolf or dolphin. Or maybe fight, take damage, and then heal up, kind of like Viking Valhalla. Open hand kick boxing, but not the grappling and hitting someone who is pinned or in headlock that you see in MMA.
I woukd love to attend classes in VR. Engineering, Math,Chemistry… oh the awesomeness. But not this alt reality shit like second life… i got banned from it because i was "too real" so stupid
Idk man. One of those things I just disagree on. It’s a tool. Tools can be used for good or bad.
When your life revolves around simply pleasing yourself, instead of pleasing God, VR makes a lot of sense.
Yeah we should outlaw VR forever, Matt.
Wow, this is really good clip.
I remember a story about a woman who was a tester for the FB Metaverse, who claimed she was 'virtually rahped' as soon as she got on the platform. Who would've that perverts and degenerates would use technology as an opportunity to live out their sick fantasies.
ummm i made a movie in virtual reality called Kingdom City Drowning that i released in 2017 on the Oculus store. Idk what Matt is talking ab "first virtual reality movie"
They’re going to make the earth so uninhabitable and expensive to live in that we’ll have to participate in VR just for a semblance of happiness where our existence will be run by some tech bro who owns 3 monkey head jpegs
I like the idea of REAL games in VR. I bet playing Zelda, Skyrim, and The Witcher would be so fun! VRChat is cancer, though…
What I'm really waiting for are those full dive games like they have in manga and anime where you can make real world money easily by earning in game money and your physical health and knowledge outside the game impact your performance inside the game. Like that'd ever happen, though… I wanna play Twilight Prince and be able to feel and smell and taste everything. That'd be so awesome! I promise someone somewhere would find someway to ruin it for everyone, though…
That's complete bullsh!t. VR is a tool, a wonderful tool at that. It's like a gun. Guns are just tools. The gun or VR headset don't even know they exist. It's the user who determines whether the tool is used for good, bad or indifferent. VR has changed and improved NUMEROUS industries. I'll name a few now:
1. The Film Industry has made interactive experiences where viewers can interact and change outcomes of storylines. It also is more immersive for the viewer. With films that aren't interactive, its still a more 3D experience, getting closer to the producer's vision.
2. The Medical Industry has been able to make MAJOR advancements with prosthetics, due to being able to 3D print in a 3D space. State of the art micro-surgeries have also been developed while in the 3D space due to VR.
3. Law Enforcement, C.S.I, Forensics, etc.., have been able to streamline investigations due to 3D modeling of evidence and even receive entire crime scenes either virtual CGI created versions or 3D photo scanned versions.
4. Real Estate is actually being purchased long distance, due to Virtual Tours. Whether the buyer can't make it to the property for whatever reason.
5. Make a Wish and other organizations like it have been able to make terminal patients' dreams come true, when it comes to visiting places they can't make it to, again, this is due to employees, volunteers, content creators etc.., visiting places, riding rides with POV view, photo-scans, 3D cameras and the list goes on.
This is taking an EXTREME, ignorant, uneducated view and Fear Tactic to push a narrative.
Except they do listen to you. Many times I’ve had something come up in conversation that I decide to look up online and after typing only a couple of letters the exact thing I am looking up has popped up on my search recommendations. It’s scary how little privacy we really have in today’s world.
Ok Vrchat is Vrchat it’s full of weirdos, don’t base VR off of Vrchat ok I play a few hours a day of a military simulator called onward
takes likes this are why the left owned the youth, the media and what is cool for so long. Conservatives are getting better at not being lame, but somehow ya’ll keep forgetting what it was like to be a kid. Also, you really need to stay current on tech and how things work. Otherwise you sound dumb, dated, and like a loser (to kids and to the people you need to win over). That’s how we keep losing the youth and falling short of what is cool.
Yes of course people can’t be flying cars around because people are idiots. However, flying cars would never be self drivable (for most). yes, we probably will have flying cars, but only after AI, networking, battery tech, motor tech and all that gets good enough that you can have a network of flying taxis taking people where they need to go. It could easily happen. Will it? maybe? depends on if we make it long enough to get there, and it becomes cheap enough to bother.
Same with the VR. I fully agree with you that this is a nightmare. They want us to be dumb, fat, and entertained by this shit so we just shut up and do what we’re told (and fill us up with whatever propaganda). It also allows all the worst human impulses to be manifest and multiplied because people think terrible things are ok because it’s not real. HOWEVER, VR games that are not online, that are just a regular video game but with the VR UI/UX could be amazing. It’s another distraction we don’t need, but that doesn’t make it not the coolest thing ever. Also, just like we learned that violent video games don’t make you violent, we might learn this release of doing crazy shit online actually heals people. Not saying it does, but it might.
It’s real easy to come off as a douche talking about video games If you don’t play video games. you start to sound like a democrat talking about guns. It’s not good. Consult your younger team more often. On stuff like this lol… not anything important. Kids are still idiots, but they do know what’s cool.
We need to get back the culture, the youth, and cool from these assholes. I love the show btw, just offering some constructive criticism. Not saying I’m 100% right, and I sure as hell didn’t say it eloquently, but I still remember what it was like to be a young moron.
The only cool thing about VR is Half Life Alyx or Beat Saber. Personally I can't stand VR cause it makes me throw up. However for gaming it's cool. HOWEVER when you incorporate VR into social… you can entirely erase someone's life and people can really fall into VR full time and that's extremely dangerous.
I love VR, but I'm interested only in VR games. I tried vrchat ones and deleted it after 5 minutes. There is literally nothing to do, it's boring app/game for boring people.
Like most things, use in moderation. I play a heavily modded build of Skyrim VR a few hours a week and its fine, its cool to feel like you're in this magic infused world killing dragons. However, when I was downloading mods, some of the ones you see, make you question if humanity is worth saving lol. Dark stuff from talented people that are using their talents for really gross fantasies. Secularism is the poison, not VR.
VR has great applications and can have great benefits. If you look at it though through a very narrow lens it doesn't look good though.
Jesus is coming soon!!!!!!
How many of these people would truly prefer in person interaction but are too socially awkward to do so? Only to go to their VR cesspools and affirm their bad social tendencies and dive just an inch deeper into madness…
Platforms like Second Life have been around for over a decade though…
VR has terrible graphics, a hard pass for me.
1910 this just in radios are a threat to humanity.
Looks like our future is looking a lot like the movie Ready Player One along with other movies set in the future.
20 years ago, I figured out that many people indulge in their worst behavior with the semi-anonymity of the internet. It's only become worse.
Go figure all the female VR members are dressed up as anime lolita fox people. How 90s.
Watching VR video as i type. One question i have is WHY?, WHY?, WHY? do they so much need this now? WHAT has happened to make this so appealing ? This is so dreadful. So dreadful. The dear children in this country. In the new world disaster. How can our hearts not ache and grieve? Lord, have mercy… LORD, have mercy.
Thank you, Matt.. as much as i grieve to see this.
The internet ruins people's morality and character. VR helps this truth by making it so much closer to a "real life experience," which is a bad thing.
Augmented reality allows view of the real world and the virtual at the same time.
There's many practical use cases for it, Zuckerberg's vision really isn't one of them..
Pretty awesome tech that's barely had the surface scratched as to those actual useful use cases.
Ngl, this sounds crazy appealing as an alternative to suicide. I've def been harmed by the internet and medical industry just cannot help or keep up with me n my depression at this point.
VR might keep me from hanging myself tho.
Can we just hook up all the wannabe commies to vr and let them live in their communal dump there? How are they gonna keep people from getting their feelings hurt in VR? Seems to be a big issue with the left. If your in VR all day you won't notice how awful your country is.
Whatever man RE4 in VR is too sick
If everyone had flying cars the recently demolished Georga Guide Stone's prophesy of 500,000,000 total earth population would soon be a reality.
We can have a human future with sexual reproduction and believe in God/Elohim/Allah and use VR for fun. I would like to be an animal, wolf or dolphin. Or maybe fight, take damage, and then heal up, kind of like Viking Valhalla. Open hand kick boxing, but not the grappling and hitting someone who is pinned or in headlock that you see in MMA.
I woukd love to attend classes in VR. Engineering, Math,Chemistry… oh the awesomeness. But not this alt reality shit like second life… i got banned from it because i was "too real" so stupid
Idk man. One of those things I just disagree on. It’s a tool. Tools can be used for good or bad.
When your life revolves around simply pleasing yourself, instead of pleasing God, VR makes a lot of sense.
Yeah we should outlaw VR forever, Matt.
Wow, this is really good clip.
I remember a story about a woman who was a tester for the FB Metaverse, who claimed she was 'virtually rahped' as soon as she got on the platform. Who would've that perverts and degenerates would use technology as an opportunity to live out their sick fantasies.