Gwent: Rogue Mage reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC. This standalone expansion to Gwent, itself a spin-off from The Witcher 3: …
Gwent: Rogue Mage reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC. This standalone expansion to Gwent, itself a spin-off from The Witcher 3: …
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I'm glad they're finally doing more PVE stuff
Thronebreaker was spectacular.
Love the game!!
Love the game!!
You can just hear the enthusiasm in his voice
Thronebreaker was spectacular.
If you didn't take much time out if your witchering career to play the head to head card game Gwent, you never had a witchering career to begin with.
Garbage mobile phone game
Bring this to consoles!
Love the game!!
Gwent was great in Witcher 3.
Literally just waiting for the Multiversus trailer
8:13 verdict
You can just hear the enthusiasm in his voice
Gwent was way more fun in the witcher… js
I'm sure the 10 people that play will have fun lol
Any issues playing on Android?
If you didn't take much time out if your witchering career to play the head to head card game Gwent, you never had a witchering career to begin with.
Gwent was great in Witcher 3.
Card games are a big snooze fest
Lol flop
IGN…your description is broken…AGAIN.

Because: quality control?
This review is an excellent example of what Dunkey was talking about in his "game critics" video a few years back.
CDPR showing more love to console players yet again
Is it 7?
Damn this channel died
Love the game!!
I'm glad they're finally doing more PVE stuff
Bring this to consoles!