Why would one twist his head all the time watching movies ?!
I’ve grown used to using Spatial Audio and cuz I really like it, I think it’s kinda got me hooked. So, like the band Toto sang:
♬ ♪ ♫ ♪ ‘It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you … ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
I have a question when i use spatial audio i feel like people can hear it too
Im always zoned in to movies so if I look away I know headphones all do that haven't you heard of audiophile headphones with the good atmos app it would drive me nuts cuz it would sound like its sideways and the she you turn around it would be the opposite direction so when your that position someone who's in front of you would it'll make the movie more distracting
Sounds like they ruined it like on android a good mix is supposed to do this when they move off the screen but this just moves when u move ur head so pintless
Airpod Pros are terrible.
okay hear me out.. can't you just..not use headphones, and the audio will come from your phone.. spacially
I-MAX for the ears That's B.S. Why can't apple do a software update for current customers. Contemporary Business is scum at Customer Relations, as well as Conservation.
I've had them for a year now and I didn't even know this was a thing until now.
I have version 4e71
I hate this feature, but can't seem to turn it off.
Lou making us laugh as usual
came back to tell you im disappointed asff. they ain't nun special. you overhyped it. waste of 300 dollars
Just got air pods pros but I just don’t know which spatial audio to do fixed or head tracking I feel like no spatial audio is better off with music but when it comes to moves and your relaxing the fixed option is better but if your in a public setting sitting down head tracking and when your walking listning to a podcast either off or fixed is better because your space is constantly changing while moving I just had my apple ear buds for 3 hours but if anyone can put me on give me advice or say there opinion pls let me know
This is how I felt when I played Demons Souls with the ps5 3D headset. Apple and Sony killing it with the sound design.
watching this while using spatial audio. Didnt use my airpods pro in over a whole year! This is amazing!
Tbh i like spatial stereo better
For some reason I don’t notice a difference when i change it to spatial stereo. I have it on head tracked too
does not work for me
So how is this different from playing from the speaker??
Wth the sound isnt playing through my headphones it’s playing through my phone, idk what’s happening
I finally saved money to buy them, does anyone know how to update them??? The spatial audio still not working
I’m confused..so spatial audio makes it seem like the sound is coming from the phone itself and not your AirPods? So it replicates not wearing your AirPods..so why not just take them out? I get the surround sound thing for movies it’s interesting to hear things from different angles however the moving your head part doesnt make sense I’m not watching a movie and looking around my house..I’m staring at the screen..you know to watch the movie
One min of silence for those stereotype people that thought apple was just messing around with your money!!! Just bought this airpod amazing experience
just bought a pair of it ,very good
Is spatial audio working with Apple TV? And what if I watch movies on a Beamer and have my Apple TV behind me?
Where I can hear Spital Pro Audio ? very important Question, I dont like Apple Music, but is there a other Platform to listen 3D Music with AirPods ? Iam a Fan of Spotify they dont have this offer, I just dont like to Layout and the Making off the Apple Music App. Where else I can listen to this Dolby Atmos when I move my head that the music is different ? I love this new Feature, but only know Apple Music with this Feature
I just found out about this today. Literally was playing Netflix show on my lunch and it was weird. Felt like it wasn't coming from my ears but more around me.
Why would you even watch a movie like that moving a phone around or your head turning back
To anyone reading this Jesus Christ loves you have a blessed day
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Why would one twist his head all the time watching movies ?!
I’ve grown used to using Spatial Audio and cuz I really like it, I think it’s kinda got me hooked. So, like the band Toto sang:
♬ ♪ ♫ ♪ ‘It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you … ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
I have a question when i use spatial audio i feel like people can hear it too
Im always zoned in to movies so if I look away I know headphones all do that haven't you heard of audiophile headphones with the good atmos app it would drive me nuts cuz it would sound like its sideways and the she you turn around it would be the opposite direction so when your that position someone who's in front of you would it'll make the movie more distracting
Sounds like they ruined it like on android a good mix is supposed to do this when they move off the screen but this just moves when u move ur head so pintless
Airpod Pros are terrible.
okay hear me out.. can't you just..not use headphones, and the audio will come from your phone.. spacially
I-MAX for the ears
That's B.S. Why can't apple do a software update for current customers. Contemporary Business is scum at Customer Relations, as well as Conservation.
I've had them for a year now and I didn't even know this was a thing until now.
I have version 4e71
I hate this feature, but can't seem to turn it off.
Lou making us laugh as usual
came back to tell you im disappointed asff. they ain't nun special. you overhyped it. waste of 300 dollars
Just got air pods pros but I just don’t know which spatial audio to do fixed or head tracking I feel like no spatial audio is better off with music but when it comes to moves and your relaxing the fixed option is better but if your in a public setting sitting down head tracking and when your walking listning to a podcast either off or fixed is better because your space is constantly changing while moving I just had my apple ear buds for 3 hours but if anyone can put me on give me advice or say there opinion pls let me know
This is how I felt when I played Demons Souls with the ps5 3D headset. Apple and Sony killing it with the sound design.
watching this while using spatial audio. Didnt use my airpods pro in over a whole year! This is amazing!
Tbh i like spatial stereo better
For some reason I don’t notice a difference when i change it to spatial stereo. I have it on head tracked too
does not work for me
So how is this different from playing from the speaker??
Wth the sound isnt playing through my headphones it’s playing through my phone, idk what’s happening
I finally saved money to buy them, does anyone know how to update them??? The spatial audio still not working
I’m confused..so spatial audio makes it seem like the sound is coming from the phone itself and not your AirPods? So it replicates not wearing your AirPods..so why not just take them out? I get the surround sound thing for movies it’s interesting to hear things from different angles however the moving your head part doesnt make sense I’m not watching a movie and looking around my house..I’m staring at the screen..you know to watch the movie
One min of silence for those stereotype people that thought apple was just messing around with your money!!!
Just bought this airpod amazing experience
just bought a pair of it ,very good
Is spatial audio working with Apple TV? And what if I watch movies on a Beamer and have my Apple TV behind me?
Where I can hear Spital Pro Audio ?
very important Question, I dont like Apple Music, but is there a other Platform to listen 3D Music with AirPods ? Iam a Fan of Spotify they dont have this offer, I just dont like to Layout and the Making off the Apple Music App.
Where else I can listen to this Dolby Atmos when I move my head that the music is different ?
I love this new Feature, but only know Apple Music with this Feature
I just found out about this today. Literally was playing Netflix show on my lunch and it was weird. Felt like it wasn't coming from my ears but more around me.
Why would you even watch a movie like that moving a phone around or your head turning back
To anyone reading this Jesus Christ loves you have a blessed day

AirPods 3 user here