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About the Author: TikTok Unlocked


  1. let me preface this by saying that the height thing doesnt really bother me. thats not to say im not affected by it in as far as my sense of balance……but that it doesnt scare me. that said, i never understood the need to jump off the plank. just step to the side and and you'll fall without the risk of damaging real life things.

  2. The second one is funny ASL. Some of these people have to be high too 😭😭cus there's no way some of them are actually jumping

  3. Only played with VR a few times but I never forgot not to do anything stupid like walk across the room or launch myself at something…

  4. It's easy to get immersed with a VR, just like how some of us who Astral project are able to go through an entire life cycle through a night of dreaming, when our eyes open and adjust to the real world or default world, we have to take a second to remind ourselves the default world we live in is real and the life cycle we went through was just a dream

  5. .Spread the gospel before it’s too late because when the seven trumpets blow Jesus will come down to earth and ask if you spread the gospel and you can’t lie because he knows when your lying so don’t lie! Love God Jesus and Holy Sprit spread the gospel and repent for your sins and read the Bible before its to late Jesus died on the cross for your sins!..

  6. Seriously, it’s so fun to play vr but at the same time soooo confusing for your brain. Like, I tried it and even just walking in the game made my knees wobble. Our brains aren’t made for thinking we are walking and at the same time not walking 😂 but my dreams of using the force finally came to life. I really thought I was a Jedi 😂 If you have never played VR you absolutely should!!

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