Wonder what James has done Did he see smoke and fled with his bags or did he run into a building in fire? So unpredictable that man is.
Alex is a fraudulent. When there is rumors there is some truth behind it. It sucks
you DCA with BTC like you did with Luna. ***********
Celsius is fine. I totally trust Alex and the team. The guys over at Swanbitcoin are spreading Fud as well as others. Everyone is running around like chickens with there heads cut off. Whatever. ha ha. Next month it will be something else. Bear market is making people stupid.
Thanks for the update George!
rugpulls are endemic atm.
Celsius is just another shitcoin. Some of you guys gonna learn!!!
"I've got a golden ticket"
The main problem with Celsius is steth/eth thing
Celcius going to ZERO
Anyone still holding $CEL has bigger cajones than me, that's for sure!
Celcius going to ZERO
This a reminder why you need to use more defi like pancake swap or minswap.
Centralization does this sort of thing
George, did you just eat a chocolate donut?
Hey George, ty for the update, especially during your vacation. Celsius lost us unaccredited little ppl. Obviously choices have consequences.
Well, Someone sold a shitload of ETH. $1500
Just Continue to DCA and wait it out. Those who continue to DCA and HODL will be the next group of Millionaires when this is all over. Ignore the price and try not to get over exposed to any project. Pick projects that provide value to the industry and avoid the smelly poop coins. Pray to the Gods of Blockchain that Congress gets Regulation right and Strap On. We will get through this and rise again, that's how Bear Markets work. Remember, "Buy LOW, Sell HIGH"… Not Buy High and Sell Low. We are low, thus, BUY and be patient. Either that or buy Billions of your favorite project on an Exchange after you open a Long Position, Hahaha.
George is looking a bit special needs
What's a good alternative to Celsius to earn interest on my BTC and Eth?
What are some support levels to watch out for for BTC and ETH?
George love your content!! Please do a video on EGLD!!
I am Augustus Gloop we are all Augustus Gloop
Signing up for Vauld today!
Clown clown clown
coins are coins
Célsius is solid! Major FUD
Waiting for BTC to hit 15K!
It’s not all FUD George. Something isn’t right. The evidence of the rug pull connections is strong.
Wonder what James has done

Did he see smoke and fled with his bags or did he run into a building in fire?
So unpredictable that man is.
Alex is a fraudulent. When there is rumors there is some truth behind it. It sucks
you DCA with BTC like you did with Luna. ***********
Celsius is fine. I totally trust Alex and the team. The guys over at Swanbitcoin are spreading Fud as well as others. Everyone is running around like chickens with there heads cut off.
Whatever. ha ha. Next month it will be something else. Bear market is making people stupid.
Thanks for the update George!
rugpulls are endemic atm.
Celsius is just another shitcoin. Some of you guys gonna learn!!!
"I've got a golden ticket"
The main problem with Celsius is steth/eth thing
Celcius going to ZERO
Anyone still holding $CEL has bigger cajones than me, that's for sure!
Celcius going to ZERO
This a reminder why you need to use more defi like pancake swap or minswap.
Centralization does this sort of thing
George, did you just eat a chocolate donut?
Hey George, ty for the update, especially during your vacation. Celsius lost us unaccredited little ppl. Obviously choices have consequences.
Well, Someone sold a shitload of ETH. $1500
Just Continue to DCA and wait it out. Those who continue to DCA and HODL will be the next group of Millionaires when this is all over. Ignore the price and try not to get over exposed to any project. Pick projects that provide value to the industry and avoid the smelly poop coins. Pray to the Gods of Blockchain that Congress gets Regulation right and Strap On. We will get through this and rise again, that's how Bear Markets work. Remember, "Buy LOW, Sell HIGH"… Not Buy High and Sell Low. We are low, thus, BUY and be patient. Either that or buy Billions of your favorite project on an Exchange after you open a Long Position, Hahaha.
George is looking a bit special needs
What's a good alternative to Celsius to earn interest on my BTC and Eth?
What are some support levels to watch out for for BTC and ETH?
George love your content!! Please do a video on EGLD!!

I am Augustus Gloop we are all Augustus Gloop
Signing up for Vauld today!
Clown clown clown
Célsius is solid! Major FUD
Waiting for BTC to hit 15K!
It’s not all FUD George. Something isn’t right. The evidence of the rug pull connections is strong.