The Overwatch APEX season 3 finals go to 7 games. ✓ Subscribe to ESPN on YouTube: http://es.pn/SUBSCRIBEtoYOUTUBE …
The Overwatch APEX season 3 finals go to 7 games. ✓ Subscribe to ESPN on YouTube: http://es.pn/SUBSCRIBEtoYOUTUBE …
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This should be a real sports channel, show us some Beer pong tournaments!
Jokes aside, just because you are a traditional sports fan doesn't mean you have to argue with what others consider sports.. (I'm a huge real football/soccer fan myself) there's a huge amount of precision and reflexes needed to be pro gamer (in general) and it's not only that, this are in most cases really strategic games. You consider chess a sport, the fact is.. getting good at a game is as hard as getting good at chess. If you don't believe that, just try it.. play this game for 6 months and then come back at tell me if it is as easy as you think.
ESPN trying to be TWITCH.
Playing a game is not a sport
All you people hating I'll bet just SUCK at these games. Playing competitive video games at the highest level requires talent similar to that of an NBA player. In the Smash Bros. Melee scene, the same group of players has dominated the way Kobe, MJ, Lebron, Curry have.
With all due respect, ESPN, these players nor fans like myself don't care for your haterade.
ESports is a growing industry and Overwatch is one such game that is on the up and up. Only a close-minded fool would think otherwise.
But don't take my word for it. Click on the link and look at these names:
Robert Kraft (owner of the New England Patriots), Jeff Wilpon (COO of the New York Mets), Misfits (whose investors include the Miami Heat) and NRG (which has Andy Miller, co-owner of the Sacramento Kings and Shaquille O'Neal) are a few of the names who have bought into the hype and wanna see this succeed.
Why don't they show REAL SPORTS like poker and spelling bees?
It's nice you guys are doing reports now. It's just as exciting as traditional sports!
Why the fuck is this on espn??
overwatch is gay! teamfortress2!
So can tell my mom that video games is actually a sports
The like/dislike ratio explains just how many people actually watch ESPN these days.
YUP, Esports is now televised. Get angry ya butthurt fucks.
at least put siege or cod man, espn hold the L
ESPN is showing overwatch WTF
L for ESPN
I cave
All virgins. Cod better
hell yeah baby, espn finally reporting on some real news
Dudes clowning on them even tho they probably get paid more than half of ya.

No one wants to see these virgens espn wtf?
Was this on espn the ocho?
No disrespect to E-Sports/video games, but could you guys make another channel for it?
Cue the dislike squad.
Counterstrike is the best esport
i get it, esports arent real but this is a good game so stop whining
Damn, never knew ESPN would play esports. I'm happy about it honestly
Yes!!! Finally a video on a real sport. Not those stupid fake sports where you have to actually move and go outside
Delete this ASAP
Overwatch is trash.
Best time to say "NOT A FUCKING SPORT"
these noobs trash I'd waste them
What is this fuckery ESPN