Hi there Mr Krown- great show as always which you ignore at your own peril! Question: I am struggling to see how you got your measured move off the descending triangle- I drew my triangle as close to yours as possible but your measured move not matching triangle's height- not near
Thanks Eric
short squeeze incoming
Thank you , have a nice Sunday
Uno momento sounds better though
Have a great day and thank you Krown. Very good I'm learning a lot from you!
These short video updates are amazing, keep them going for sure.
After 12 years of throwing everything imaginable towards Bitcoin, The price is still $29,000. Nothing has compromised or damaged the basics in that period. Any price decline has been caused by external forces (exchanges, inflation, war, pandemic, fear, etc.) It is not going away.
Never fade mr Krown
Thanks for the insightful t.a. as always. Have a great day in Helsinki!
Short squeeze?
I respect the work you put into your videos. I find it really baffling that all the major crypto YouTubers are just looking at pure waves and completely ignoring the broader narrative of why BTC is pumping and why the future outlook may not be as optimistic as it seems. It's kind of irresponsible to ignore the fact that every ETF launch so far has caused a major spike in BTC. Already on shaky ground with historically low volumes and near-pure whale pumps, we narrowly avoided a long-term bear market. This is the worst time in history to invest as so many are not backing up their crypto assets. More attention should be paid to day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictability of the market… I made over 15 BTC from day trading with Lily Alice insights and signals in less than 4 weeks, along with the people around me. Extreme success with Lily Alice day trading signals is one of the best ways and tools to protect your wealth in case it starts to bearish….
I'm no longer waiting for the GRANT LOAN because I earn $79,700 every 10 days recently
Trading on the weekend bro? You must be bored
Subscribed a couple of weeks back from a recommendation and very much enjoying the pure TA and shorter term outlooks. Also your balanced approach is very helpful. Having been in crypto since 2018, you’re only the third crypto analyst I’m subscribed to. I’m just getting used to your pace and structure. I think in this video you’ve structured better than before and everything was more clear. Looking forward to getting more knowledge going forward. Thanks
Eric, your doing one hell of a good job, thank you!!!
I hope everyone doesn’t get confused by your videos and think that bitcoin is not going down to early 20s because it is
Why is nobody taking about the CME gap from 24 dec 2020 at 23685. And the gap from 11 dec 2020 at 18020. It become relevant or not?
Guys, be careful, this is the kind of crypto idiots on YouTube that gets you rekt
Simply outstanding information
Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today
Eric your hair is bullish AF, time to go lonnngggggg!!!!!!!!!! To the moooooonnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
Amazing content as usual. IMO the best TA channel in the space.
Spot are buying now.
My puppets are big fans of yours
Eric this content always appreciated. So so helpful to plan trades. Cheers
Bro u rock
That is all, be back tomorrow haha
Thanks again bro awesome show.
Hi there Mr Krown- great show as always which you ignore at your own peril! Question: I am struggling to see how you got your measured move off the descending triangle- I drew my triangle as close to yours as possible but your measured move not matching triangle's height- not near
Thanks Eric
short squeeze incoming
Thank you , have a nice Sunday
Uno momento sounds better though
Have a great day and thank you Krown. Very good I'm learning a lot from you!
These short video updates are amazing, keep them going for sure.
After 12 years of throwing everything imaginable towards Bitcoin, The price is still $29,000. Nothing has compromised or damaged the basics in that period. Any price decline has been caused by external forces (exchanges, inflation, war, pandemic, fear, etc.) It is not going away.
Never fade mr Krown
Thanks for the insightful t.a. as always. Have a great day in Helsinki!

Short squeeze?

I respect the work you put into your videos. I find it really baffling that all the major crypto YouTubers are just looking at pure waves and completely ignoring the broader narrative of why BTC is pumping and why the future outlook may not be as optimistic as it seems. It's kind of irresponsible to ignore the fact that every ETF launch so far has caused a major spike in BTC. Already on shaky ground with historically low volumes and near-pure whale pumps, we narrowly avoided a long-term bear market. This is the worst time in history to invest as so many are not backing up their crypto assets. More attention should be paid to day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictability of the market… I made over 15 BTC from day trading with Lily Alice insights and signals in less than 4 weeks, along with the people around me. Extreme success with Lily Alice day trading signals is one of the best ways and tools to protect your wealth in case it starts to bearish….
I'm no longer waiting for the GRANT LOAN because I earn $79,700 every 10 days recently
Trading on the weekend bro? You must be bored
Subscribed a couple of weeks back from a recommendation and very much enjoying the pure TA and shorter term outlooks. Also your balanced approach is very helpful. Having been in crypto since 2018, you’re only the third crypto analyst I’m subscribed to.
I’m just getting used to your pace and structure. I think in this video you’ve structured better than before and everything was more clear. Looking forward to getting more knowledge going forward. Thanks
Eric, your doing one hell of a good job, thank you!!!
I hope everyone doesn’t get confused by your videos and think that bitcoin is not going down to early 20s because it is
Why is nobody taking about the CME gap from 24 dec 2020 at 23685. And the gap from 11 dec 2020 at 18020. It become relevant or not?
Guys, be careful, this is the kind of crypto idiots on YouTube that gets you rekt
Simply outstanding information
Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today
Eric your hair is bullish AF, time to go lonnngggggg!!!!!!!!!! To the moooooonnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
Amazing content as usual. IMO the best TA channel in the space.
Spot are buying now.
My puppets are big fans of yours
Eric this content always appreciated. So so helpful to plan trades. Cheers
thanks for the macro insights!