10 Stealthy Self Defense Gadgets You Can Take Everywhere

10 Stealthy Self Defense Gadgets You Can Take Everywhere

Most self-defense gadgets are far too large and easy to notice to really be practical in your day-to-day life. The ideal self-defense …


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About the Author: TechJoint


  1. Don't need none of these what so ever…all you need is a scotch bonnet pepper in your pocket…them smash atacker in the face with it…done no human can with stand the heat and what is does to your eyes…so you have disabled he/her eyes you cant attack Wat you can't see..simple…

  2. I'm a shaolin instructor and I say most people wouldn't have enough training to use any correctly,a small stick as long as forearm up sleeve can defend a knife attack and do serious damage of death AZ well a belt overtop of real belt with a heavy buckle swinging but like Many on here said be aware of situation surroundings and try not get into need to use any

  3. he talks like this video is for some maniac who wants to kill people and not for someone who wants to keep themselves safe

  4. Sap cap is sick but also lead poisoning is a thing right? Pretty sure having lead chilling on your head all day could also be deadly

  5. A lot of these content borrowing videos don't get their facts straight. As of 4:52 you can clearly see this device is activated by pulling the pin as with a hand grenade, and not by the button mentioned in this segment.

  6. What the absolute fuck!!! This is for a fist fight. Why do you want to bring weapons into it🤷🏻‍♂️. I used to love a good scrap. Then all the people that couldn’t fight obtained weapons or used glasses or bottles. Be a fuckin man! You want a fight, use what you have, not what you bought from eBay. 💪🏼💪🏼👊🏻🤛🏻🦶🏻

  7. The Taser light at the end is a Chinese made rip off of the name. It has nothing to do with a real Taser which shoots out wires into the skin. 80 lumens is not so blinding and the only thing it’s maybe good fr is a striking weapon which any crenellated flashlight can do. The standard flashlight would be far cheaper and legal everywhere which is not true of this device

  8. Just get a fucking gun for christs sake. It’s your constitutional right!!! So buy a ghost gun on the internet like a p80 if you can’t get one. Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 pallbearers

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