Lasers, AI, geo-enginieering – tech is advancing at an alarming rate, and one day it’s bound to all go tits-up. Here’s a troubling look …
Lasers, AI, geo-enginieering – tech is advancing at an alarming rate, and one day it’s bound to all go tits-up. Here’s a troubling look …
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Nice music selected
it s 2017
Pokemon go for sure
there will be someone who take advantage on these tech, and the world will doom.
That look likes Alyx's dog from Half-Life
HOw do you make those sort little anime clip
what about jhon cena
Release the cragon!

it sucks that all of us won't be alive to see all of this stuff coming and the shit after that
im not dead
me 2k15
It's I survived!
But they will make defense too
Including driverless cars and robotic doctors in this video is just plain stupid. They are technologies that will save us from ourselves more than technologies that are going to kill us all. Nice animations though.
The walking robot looks like 2 drunk men carrying a couch. Just sayin'.
dud this video was such a troll but on the other side im only 13 and i will live fr most of these… Oh crap, im doomed… fu(k
Luckily we will have lazers to destroy the drones
very nice video
OK that looked very unscientific
Is not the technologies, but human stupidity.
the big dog is funny!
This is a waste of time
The car one scares me in that if it has the choice to crash and kill me or kill 3 people on the pavement which does it pick, like will it genuinely just be like you die because 3>1
were not toast yet
that Big Dog thing is terrifying to watch
This video is simply nowhere. Something stupid. If we all would implement your thinking from your video, we could start to ban: knifes (dangerous thing isn't it?), cars (can kill as well), bricks? (what if someone throw one towards you?)… I could make an endless stupid list like this, but in the video, we saw the same level of idiotism…
You're wrong about the automatic Google Car. It scans for pedestrians, and avoids them.
Now your thinking with portals. XD
I never dislike video.. but this video i would dislike 100 times if i could! that is stupid -.-
You lost me with this one.
When you make a video do not have loud music playing in background, tone down the volume, it is irritating to listen to music and spoken word at the same time. Second, please slow down your machine gun speed talk. One who is not used to Brittish accent of English can hardly understand what you say at that speed. Better articulation of words would also help.
Thanks for the video – interesting.
I'm just glad ill be dead by then :3
ha! the cyber warefaremalware animation = amazing!
1:23 I fail to see the problem.
I doubt all that will ever happen to us in 40 decades.
Oh my god, the animations in this video xD I'm dying
Technology is not dangerous if used in the correct way. I would definitely make a gun to protect my family but never shoot anyone harmless.
This video is tailored for 10 year olds. Really? 3D printers are going to kill us?
Actually there is already something that will kill us all. 100% for sure (unless an accident, murder or disease do the job before.) It's called life expectancy.
I want to befriend a sentient robot so freakin bad
LMAO! I wouldn't mind being chased by 'Big Dog' while running in the forest, and then being killed. lol
cannot wait for wildest police chases: Big Dog edition. Good times.
the future is not scary.. but human mind is
Robotic surgeons are operated by humans. That's like saying guns with kill people. People are using it and if someone is killed by it it will be the surgeon doing it.
What about the nukes?
What about the nukes?
Wait so we are already more than halfway to making the creepy Geckos from metal gear solid?