Playdate Review

Playdate Review

The Playdate is a quirky little handheld with a monochrome screen, a hand crank on the side, and a library of funky, lo-fi indie …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. for the same price as a nintendo switch lite? and no backlighting on that little black and white screen as well? and only 4GB of space? like its a cool little device and quite charming looking but at that price point…….it seems extremely questionable. if this thing was $50 sure- seems like a little more reasonable possibility but at roughly $200…. you can buy a Retroid Pocket 2+ for $100 and play NES,SNES,GB,GBA,PS1,PSP,Genesis,Gamecube,Dreamcast etc on it and put in an sd card with as much space as you want and with a backlit touchscreen and pretty much the same battery life as this.

  2. We need something like this, but for Pico-8 Games.
    Anyway, for how cool the idea is, the price of "PlayDate" will be the huge turn-off for most of us.

  3. Most people: "No backlight and high price are the main deal breaker"
    Me, an intellectual: "It has a crank for inputs, of course there's gonna be a Bennett Foddy game in it"

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