Breaking: EU Bitcoin Crypto Wallet Ban!!!

Breaking: EU Bitcoin Crypto Wallet Ban!!!

EU banning Bitcoin and crypto wallets! Bad crypto news 2022 BYBIT: 30% OFF & $4100 BONUS …


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About the Author: Lark Davis


  1. Fake Bitcoin pump due terra Luna buying investment connection only reason why Bitcoin is up wait till I comes crashing huh come to real coin hex 10000x has bit coin done yeah thought so I know Bitcoin good for nothing but store no development no growth tech wise so yeah keep hold Bitcoin bags never go no where except wait for sell dump Bitcoin. So you want real ecosystem come check out pulsechain and pulsex and hex on steroids let’s Go or hold on to your dead Bitcoin bags keep waiting while everyone get rich on other products market fit crypto with real use case no dead wait store with big name wake me pulse I am dreaming.

  2. HI How can i import my seed phrases in trust wallet? mad hunt boat zero square camera rely omit evoke right just first

  3. I came here to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k. Somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas.

  4. The Financial Action Task Force has zero rights to decide or suggest anything worldwide or to ant country. Who the heck are they? Were they elected or appointed by governments? Nope. They are just a tool for globalist pirates and nobody should ever listen to them…

  5. 👉 Big Brother – EU – is watching you!

    They need to know every asset you own, so they can take it away from you. This is their authoritarian agenda: “own nothing and be happy” ( —> world economic forum)
    Of course, that’s only for us normal people not for the elites.

  6. Great Video Lark! With the high rate of inflation, the economy is heading towards a severe recession. I overheard someone talking about how he grew his reserve from $120k to almost $260k during this Red season, can you share tips on how to make such aggressive proceeds in short periods?

  7. Politicians sense their own demise. They’re not good for anything useful and they know it. They will not go down quietly. Dangerous as wounded animals.

  8. Since I am not following the news across the world as closely as you for crypto, I am highly grateful to learn of this rather awful law passed in the EU. And here I thought the US sucked the worst. Thank you EU for making me not feel so bad about where I live when it comes to crypto. And thank you Lark for the information.

  9. The economic crisis is just a time that differentiates the wise from the other, the wise will invest right now either in stock or cryptocurrency just to hold some shares of something.

  10. So they want all users to bring their coins to exchanges, lets guess next move. Simply ban exchanges. How easy it is. Maybe it is time to use crypto in proper way, just ignore fiat value and do billions of transactions on daily basis, let them sort it out who is who…

  11. it is not a ban, they just want crypto wallets to apply same rule as any other financial institutions there as regards to owner's information.

  12. Yes it’s called a digital cage. And you get into your driverless car and if you don’t behave they limit the number of miles and where are you can go etc. etc. etc. Downside of digitization. Yes bad policy. From their standpoint probably good policy because it all goes to control and the ability to prevent some form of a parallel economy from occurring separate from sovereign activities. Control.

  13. so what happens if i send some crypto to someone's private address from an exchange? they will attach kyc to that stranger's address with my details?
    i guess they don't think things through. this is just not possible to keep the kyc straight. and any time i send crypto off a centralized exchange to one of my wallet addresses, it's always a dummy-address, until i move it to where my real wallet is. Sometimes this can be lots of hoops & mixers involved. they won't know shit.

  14. The EU seems to have decided to distinguish themselves and attract attention after all. Especially this information I can't understand after Lugano accepted Bitcoin and Tether as legal tender.

  15. That EU vote is crazy. I’m unfamiliar with their voting and legal system (gov structure isn’t a strength of mine). A few questions, are there more steps in the voting process? Is there a date for it to go live, or is it already live? Cheers – Brad

  16. Bet you the US pressured the EU into this, in order to save their own wrecked economy by keeping it legal over there. (But still wagging their finger at it if it suits their interests) Sneaky sneaky! Most important use case is by the cia to launder money and fund their global takeover which is well underway

  17. Why dont you use the 200 EMA? it above the 200 EMA. Also traders use the EMA using the fibonacci numbers (the price sticks to these like glue). FIB EMAS: 8, 13, 21, 55, 200

  18. Lol defi and vpn, cash out in another country.. the more these thieves try to regulate the deeper underground it goes. Pathetic how far they are willing to go to not lose control of power over the masses.

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