With a slew of new wearables on the way, as well as gathering whispers of the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 and ever-elusive iWatch, …
With a slew of new wearables on the way, as well as gathering whispers of the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 and ever-elusive iWatch, …
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wow the cringe, iwatch lmao
iWatch lmao
I'm afraid to say that 2014,hasn't been the year of the smartwatch…and I've got one!
They still haven't really court on.
I own and wearing it right now the Gear 2 Neon. For the 1st week I was skeptical and I thought it was a waste of money. After the 1st week I realized how much I use it. After a month, I cant live without one. I am not allowed to use my phone at work or on the road and the watch allows me to know who is calling, who is texting me, and tells me exactly what email I just received. This and more. So yes, I love them and can't wait till they make them more powerful.
it will take four years for the technology to be working properly just wait
Good discussion- Looking forward to next update.
Naxus watch is best
The iWatch is coming out in 2015, but was presented at the keynote this year.
Wow two Gays talking to each other! Wtf?
Iooks good BUT 1 QUESTION IS. How do u adjust the watch
"exciting… potentially" why do people get so "excited" about such boring hideous junk yard, landfill destined gadgetry anyways? so SAD! my goodness me!
How is the iWatch so innovative if it doesn't even exist yet? This sort of baffles me? Will Ive been waiting for cool stuff like this since Star Trek…
holyshit is that the concept for the google watch
Why do people bash the galaxy gear? Theyre the reason the smartwatch even exists and is popular, the I watch is going to be lame just like all of apples other bullshet. I have a galaxy gear and I am in love with it.
nice intro music. whats the name of the song???
now the goverment can keep track of you with this wearable device that contains an rfid chip you will rarely take off your wrist , get out your credit card sheep
i want something that will work on windows phone like nokia lumia icon?
Nice introduce.
when is the apple iwatch coming out
Gear 2 is a lie! It's definitely not the same as it promised it would be in its 3d render! XC
Too Late Apple!
LG GD910, not perfect, but better as it is a phone watch, and it works.
I have the Gear 2, it's pretty awesome, probably a bit expensive for what it is, but I love it, it blows everyone's mind when they find out it has a camera and a tv remote in it 😛 Hopefully more useful watch specific apps come out soon to make it feel a bit more worth the purchase cost, but otherwise I'm really happy with it, would recommend 🙂
Sony is just what I need.
Is it water prove
Moto 360 looks interesting
Samsung dropped "Galaxy" from the name, it's now "Gear 2" instead of "Galaxy Gear 2"
Google will fuck everyone up
Good info, chaps!
They should of added a waterproof flash on the gear 2
Andere which smartwatch is he wearing?
The fun thing is, the only reason why everyone started making smart watches, is because they heard apple was working on one
I'm waiting for the Pipboy 3000.
What watch did the chatty guy use?
Please, my calculator watch performs better than most of these smartwatches
I don't think the watch itself should have a camera, but being able to control the camera on the phone it's linked to can be a powerful tool.
My biggest question is that since it links via blutooth, can I leave my phone in my car where I get reception at work but be able to go into my work building where I don't get reception and have them still linked where I would get my notifications that way?
United Kingdom calling?? better answer it then…..
So gay!!! I just wasted my 10min because you guys don't even talked about sony smartwatch 2!!! The best wearable available in the market, with less bazel (not like pebble shit and galaxy gear) thinner and cheaper in price. And Sony smartWatch 2 has 7 days battery timing with support of millions of Android phones
Ok… i'm pretty sure these guys don't know what consumers want. I'm pretty sure that people WANT to have a stand alone watch that does everything a smartphone does and MORE. I can see the toughest part to this is working with micro circuitry but that's just a matter of time. this will be the next big niche for techies.
* dedicated to our future pioneers***
I watch looks good
wow amazing tech…why does the famous watches have to hooc up to cell phones…. why cant they be cellphone them selfes??? not having to hooc up to cell phones…just mace a simple small watche phones no?
my pebble does all i want so why spend money on a "second phone"?