Biden, this double-speech talk, this sick and megalomaniac rhetorics, this grandiose flow are so obnoxious and hideous I can really barely stand it. He might be worse than all of the other puppet precedesors.
They applauded every time he said something correctly in one go, right? But he just can’t get united right, right? President of the unined states.
“JOE BIDEN 2024”
Its like watching the Muppet
Release of 60 mln bbls is less than a day's global demand. It sucks
George what do you think of the OMI token?
All show and acting, every politician who is clapping for him are puppets of the globalist cartel. Lets go Biden. Wow I feel like vomiting hearing this lies.
Spoken like a true snake. Read people, learn why this is happening from the facts and not from the mouths of these manipulative aholes. Biden, Putin, Zielenski, all of them play chess for control under the table and everyone is to blame.
Hahaah, Biden talks about corrupt Russian oligarchs…. More hypocrisy is impossible..
George, you are my favourite Crypto Youtuber to watch, but over the past week, all you’ve mainly talked about is the war between Russia & Ukraine and hardly any Crypto, which is disappointing. The war is on all day and night on all TVs around the world, all over the news papers, social media and so on…’s 24/7 war, it’s terrible what’s happening, but enough is enough, I like listening to your YouTube channel, but will stop watching it if this continue and just continue to watch my other favourites, who barely talk about the war. Can you please stop and focus on Crypto, leave the World News for the News Channels
Sorry for all Americans I have to say this this is the worst president ever in American history And the world this puppet and he’s puppeteers that goes up and cheer and clap for his nonsense he spits out when he and his bosses are the reason this is all happening I’m not geopolitical but bro I know who is the guilty and who’s not and not It’s hilarious it’s like a Reality TV movie
biden is trash like the rest of the left is.. trying to turn us into socialists.. your channel has taken a turn for the worst.. Bai bai
The clapping was good cause it gave fjb less words to remember. Sorry, first time I’ve changed your channel after 10 minutes. And I’m an Aussie! Appreciate your work George but next time can you guys elect a President without dementia? God help us all….
Thanks George Biden is funny x
Why doesn’t the WU and the US stop buying energy from Russia , we were energy independent but Biden stopped it as soon as he came into office, lying SOB!
Let’s not forget that we took a elected government of Ukraine during Obama’s presidency to put a leader we chose. NATO said it would not expand to the East but they did going back on their agreement. Globalist and nato are the reason this war started.
Biden has been lying bought and paid for for the last 40 years. He has done more harm than anyone could imagine. Started with Angola, Chile , Argentina and then to the Middle East.
I’m sorry, but the state of the Union is so laughable. The amount of times there is a standing ovation pretty much makes it null and void. Seems like I’m in church.
Also as much as I had Putin and what he is doing to the Ukraine, he would be laughing at Biden saying who is this joker.
The Muppet Show
Love the hot Ripple chick in the video. Also Ripple rhymes with nipple.
Your such a hater
'Democracy and Freedom' total lies and BS! These all in parlaments sick to watch! George, please no more this propaganda
George, you got it wrong. They will stop buying russian oil. To prevent oil prices from rising too much, they will release their reserve oil. Not to drop prices, to stop prices from increasing.
George, you are so negative
Kadena 2 the mooon
I do feel strangely in sync with Putin, their currency Is worth 40% less, stockmarkets descimated, welcome to crypto
Things like this… make me laugh
All these sanctions ARE having an effect lol, not IS having an effect!
They should just stay standing! It's more work to keep sitting down just to get back up and why they keep cutting him off
Just like US underestimated afganistan freedom fighters? Haha
Bull crap show that is empty
Your president is older than the USA George, you need an upgrade, George4President
Lol that is how every president's state of the union is. It was worse in the olden days where everone in the house chamber will clap and standing ovations after every single sentence. It was way more ridiculous than this
FJB! thanks for the video George!
They are shadow banning you
The most jobs WERE lost, not WAS lost George lol.
Thanks for doing this George.. we value your opinion
George the amount of oil theyte releasing if enough for US for 2 maybe 3 days. Last time prices went up when they did that because its not a plan. Hilarious when he says we will stand with you Ukrainians even if you're circled and being killed we stand with you. Good luck
I feel crypto will be banned because of russia.
Biden, this double-speech talk, this sick and megalomaniac rhetorics, this grandiose flow are so obnoxious and hideous I can really barely stand it. He might be worse than all of the other puppet precedesors.
They applauded every time he said something correctly in one go, right? But he just can’t get united right, right? President of the unined states.
“JOE BIDEN 2024”
Its like watching the Muppet
Release of 60 mln bbls is less than a day's global demand. It sucks
George what do you think of the OMI token?
All show and acting, every politician who is clapping for him are puppets of the globalist cartel. Lets go Biden. Wow I feel like vomiting hearing this lies.
Spoken like a true snake. Read people, learn why this is happening from the facts and not from the mouths of these manipulative aholes. Biden, Putin, Zielenski, all of them play chess for control under the table and everyone is to blame.
Hahaah, Biden talks about corrupt Russian oligarchs…. More hypocrisy is impossible..
George, you are my favourite Crypto Youtuber to watch, but over the past week, all you’ve mainly talked about is the war between Russia & Ukraine and hardly any Crypto, which is disappointing. The war is on all day and night on all TVs around the world, all over the news papers, social media and so on…’s 24/7 war, it’s terrible what’s happening, but enough is enough, I like listening to your YouTube channel, but will stop watching it if this continue and just continue to watch my other favourites, who barely talk about the war. Can you please stop and focus on Crypto, leave the World News for the News Channels
Sorry for all Americans I have to say this this is the worst president ever in American history And the world this puppet and he’s puppeteers that goes up and cheer and clap for his nonsense he spits out when he and his bosses are the reason this is all happening I’m not geopolitical but bro I know who is the guilty and who’s not and not It’s hilarious it’s like a Reality TV movie

biden is trash like the rest of the left is.. trying to turn us into socialists.. your channel has taken a turn for the worst.. Bai bai
The clapping was good cause it gave fjb less words to remember. Sorry, first time I’ve changed your channel after 10 minutes. And I’m an Aussie! Appreciate your work George but next time can you guys elect a President without dementia?
God help us all….
Thanks George Biden is funny
Why doesn’t the WU and the US stop buying energy from Russia
, we were energy independent but Biden stopped it as soon as he came into office, lying SOB!
Let’s not forget that we took a elected government of Ukraine during Obama’s presidency to put a leader we chose. NATO said it would not expand to the East but they did going back on their agreement. Globalist and nato are the reason this war started.
Biden has been lying bought and paid for for the last 40 years. He has done more harm than anyone could imagine. Started with Angola, Chile , Argentina and then to the Middle East.
I’m sorry, but the state of the Union is so laughable.
The amount of times there is a standing ovation pretty much makes it null and void.
Seems like I’m in church.
Also as much as I had Putin and what he is doing to the Ukraine, he would be laughing at Biden saying who is this joker.
The Muppet Show
Love the hot Ripple chick in the video. Also Ripple rhymes with nipple.
Your such a hater
'Democracy and Freedom' total lies and BS! These all
in parlaments sick to watch! George, please no more this propaganda 
George, you got it wrong. They will stop buying russian oil. To prevent oil prices from rising too much, they will release their reserve oil. Not to drop prices, to stop prices from increasing.
George, you are so negative
Kadena 2 the mooon
I do feel strangely in sync with Putin, their currency Is worth 40% less, stockmarkets descimated, welcome to crypto
Things like this… make me laugh
All these sanctions ARE having an effect lol, not IS having an effect!
They should just stay standing! It's more work to keep sitting down just to get back up and why they keep cutting him off

Just like US underestimated afganistan freedom fighters? Haha
Bull crap show that is empty
Your president is older than the USA George, you need an upgrade, George4President
Lol that is how every president's state of the union is. It was worse in the olden days where everone in the house chamber will clap and standing ovations after every single sentence. It was way more ridiculous than this
FJB! thanks for the video George!
They are shadow banning you
The most jobs WERE lost, not WAS lost George lol.
Thanks for doing this George.. we value your opinion

George the amount of oil theyte releasing if enough for US for 2 maybe 3 days. Last time prices went up when they did that because its not a plan. Hilarious when he says we will stand with you Ukrainians even if you're circled and being killed we stand with you. Good luck
who cares what the mummy of tutankhamun says