Does Starbreeze Studios’ remake of the classic PC strategy game Syndicate do the original justice? IGN’s Peter Eykemans …
Does Starbreeze Studios’ remake of the classic PC strategy game Syndicate do the original justice? IGN’s Peter Eykemans …
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Geez… Some played this in order to create cybersheet 2077?! This game is a thousand times better balanced exp!
cyberpunk before bad
played only single player like 3 months back when the game was on origin on sale for nearly free,beaten the campaign in 6 hours,nicely stylized but the gameplay is generic,the similarity between the three hacks dont help it,was using the Backfire the most for it sounded the most unique as both Suicide and Persuade basically forces hacked npc to kill his allies.
I remembered this game randomly and man I'm impressed all over again.
This game is a 10/10
Looks better than Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 but in 2012 and better
i recently just thought of this game and how i remember playing it on my xbox 360 as a kid so now i decided to look it up and play it again
cyperpunk 2077 took a lot from this game !!!
Just purchased the game for $5. Can’t wait to try it out.
best fps in my opinion
Criminally underrated game.
we need a sequel instead Apex legends or another battlefield/battlefront game…. but without loot boxes
Went here to satisfy my cyberpunk 2077 itch.
Imagine playing this on new gen
i really liked this game. we need more sci-fi FPS like this. most games are now either open-world or multi-player
When I first got this game for literally only 3$ I thought wow this is cheap wow but when I play I’m like O MAH GUDNESS DIS IS AWESEOME BETTER GRAPHICS THAN COD HOLY CRAP!!
Had soo much back then i ll give it another shot cuz cyberpunk 2077 vibes
I plan on getting this game soon anyway
Who here wants to play multiplayer