Why would you create "true to life" metaverse? Or look exactly like in real world? Missing the point of metaverse, just live in real life then
What if real life is a nother worlds metaverse
Lol. Cartoon world. Lmao people are so weak minded to be consumed by fantasy rather than reality.
GTA6 will be better
This is just sad tbh
You will own nothing and be happy!!!
metaverse is a joke
I get the idea of creating a parallel virtual world but building structures is not easy and not what I would consider an out of this world experience. I think immersive NFT projects like Starlight nft, where you get to live in outer space, will be the trend. Agree?
This just doesn’t look like fun. I Guess its second to not going there but honestly I think if I can’t have the real thing I don’t want it at all. Its the difference between wearing a condom or not wearing a condom. The experience is par non to the the real thing.
Is this what life is coming to , stay home to Interreact with people. very say times ahead
Love it thanks for sharing
The problem with VR headsets is you lose the human feature of actually talking to another person. SL tried the headsets and they were not well received. Open source content was available in SL for years. I just hate how these huge tech companies are suddenly acting like they discovered this Metaverse.
Why am I watching this?
Listen…the world that god created us is already good enough its beatiful
There is going to be lots of people creating an avatar of themselves who they wish they can be…. Living fantasy life…, never come out of the house and live in the fantasy…, I know it’s coming but it’s kinda sad in a way…, and interesting as well. I the end, the truth does not change.
The best decision I ever made in my life was investing in the crypto market. Trust me guys, it really pays a lot!
Look like another diversion for people while elite steal more from us erode our rights and freedoms and the plebs have there heads in a make believe world what a joke
so Secondlife returns, but with another name?
But what u are assuming as real world will be virtual in coming days.And virtual world will tend to become real.
Wow, 2nd life (@17:30) for that 84 year old widow to live again in her 20s and be physical and go on dates is THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH!
What’s wrong with the physical world what’s the point of re creating it
We will forget to eat and take care for childrens. Its dangerous. Beacuse we humans we have no bounds.
If metaverse really blows up that will be the worst thing as only one person will control the whole thing which in short will be NEW WORLD ORDER (ILLUMINATI) welcome to the last days motherfuckers
Ready Player One has given us a glimpse of how Metaverse could potentially turn out. Interesting and hopefully this won't turn out exactly as it did!
VR >>>>> Real world.
Just another way to get stuck in Internet Fantasy world.People are already confused about real world.
Metaverse is unreal. It's makes the man live in dream
What do we actually want? (Pizza, I know : ), but what else?) We are at the beginning of the next big step, a whole new dimension of interconnectedness is emerging: the metaverse, the next stage of the Internet, the next great digital revolution. The question that now inevitably arises for us is: What do we actually want?
Facebook, now Meta, recently announced its vision of this new digital world, numerous other corporations also delivered concepts, and now it's up to us to choose, but to do so, we first need to clarify the one central question: What do we actually want?
Do we want a metaverse that spies on us, listens to us and controls us knowing more about us than our best friends, our family, ourselves? Do we want a world that has been commercialized down to the very last corner full of alternative-less continuous advertising and senselessly overpriced NFTs? To be honest, I still don't understand why, for example, digital building land is being sold for real money, when it can be duplicated for free, I thought that was the great thing about the Internet: Sharing things increases them not diminish them, so why exclude people, why limit creativity?
Do we want a world full of hate and agitation? Do we want pay-to-win, lootboxes, digital gambling, digital one-armed bandits? The concept of the metaverse is not without reason often explained on the basis of computer games: Meet friends, play and have fun in digital space. And numerous companies themselves have also presented plans for their metaverse, but it is important to remember: these are the same companies who, in the past, have always put their own profit before the interests of the player, why should they do it differently in the future?
Do we want a world dominated by large corporations, which think only of their share prices, of the bankers, stockbrokers and hedge funds? Facebook and Co had their chance, we were all able to see what the result was. When following current events, it is already noticeable, that many familiar mistakes from the early days of the Internet are threatening to repeat themselves, Monopolies, created by network effects, control the Internet and, as we increasingly spend our daily lives in the digital space, our real lives as well.
Whoever creates a digital world has power, just as it does with the real world. The question now is to whom we want to grant this power; the question is: What do we actually want? What kind of future do we actually want?
Shouldn't decisions in the digital realm be made democratically, as they are in the real world? Shouldn't the power belong to the users? We are faced with a choice, what kind of future do we want? Do we want to leave the field to large corporations or do we want to take our fate into our own hands?
I cannot (and do not want to) imagine being the only one who looks for a better (digital) future and have therefore been working on concrete ideas for this for quite some time.
We want an open metaverse, a metaverse by the people for the people. We want a democratic metaverse, in which all decisions are made by elections by the users themselves, in which all positions are given by the users through elections too.
We want to create trust through openness, absolute transparency and clear communication. We want a metaverse that is open to everyone, regardless of income and ability to pay. We want a metaverse in which everyone is free to express themselves and where creativity is unrestricted, is limitless.
We want a metaverse in which everyone can freely contribute, to which everyone can contribute his own part, we don't want to create just any digital space, we want to create, together with you, all united, our common (digital) future. We want to realize the best ideas in the world together with you, we want to serve you, we want to serve the users, we want to serve humanity.
Yes, I am also just some generic guy from the Internet, not very good at anything, but fortunately this is really not about me, it's about us, it's about the idea and if you like the idea, participate! Join us! Let's create a better world together! Alone we may each be just some random guys, but together we have the potential, we have the power to change the world!
Get involved, every single snippet of code, every line of text, 2D and 3D art, every pixel drawn, every tiny contribution, every step no matter how small brings us all together closer to the goal. You are busy with all kinds of things and really don't have time? Then support the project with a donation! Network with us on social media (#TramannGroup), make suggestions, express criticism, give feedback, because only this way it is possible for all of us to constantly improve and grow together. (Discord: https://discord.gg/bZskXT8N7t Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tramann_Group Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrp9sds534STEL6HLMR8zQ)
Make suggestions, talk and network with like-minded people and last but not least: spread the idea, so as many people as possible can get to know about it and can get the chance to participate and build with all of us our common metaverse. Share this article, share this text and talk about it with others! Together we can change the world!
I already dream in the night, I dont want to in the day
Amazing ideas for future !
When I saw the Movie Ready Player One I thought is this is going to be the next big thing … well it looks like it’s happening !!! Lol Metaverse seems interesting but also dangerous !
Until now I can only imagine VR is a real progress in Simracing. But browsing the Internet, reading news or talk with others? Nope.
Childish fantasy
This is last desperate attempt to draw people in before it dies.
Why would you create "true to life" metaverse? Or look exactly like in real world? Missing the point of metaverse, just live in real life then
What if real life is a nother worlds metaverse
Lol. Cartoon world. Lmao people are so weak minded to be consumed by fantasy rather than reality.
GTA6 will be better
This is just sad tbh
You will own nothing and be happy!!!
metaverse is a joke
I get the idea of creating a parallel virtual world but building structures is not easy and not what I would consider an out of this world experience. I think immersive NFT projects like Starlight nft, where you get to live in outer space, will be the trend. Agree?
This just doesn’t look like fun. I Guess its second to not going there but honestly I think if I can’t have the real thing I don’t want it at all. Its the difference between wearing a condom or not wearing a condom. The experience is par non to the the real thing.
Is this what life is coming to , stay home to Interreact with people. very say times ahead
Love it thanks for sharing
The problem with VR headsets is you lose the human feature of actually talking to another person. SL tried the headsets and they were not well received. Open source content was available in SL for years. I just hate how these huge tech companies are suddenly acting like they discovered this Metaverse.
Why am I watching this?
Listen…the world that god created us is already good enough its beatiful
There is going to be lots of people creating an avatar of themselves who they wish they can be….
Living fantasy life…, never come out of the house and live in the fantasy…, I know it’s coming but
it’s kinda sad in a way…, and interesting as well.
I the end, the truth does not change.
The best decision I ever made in my life was investing in the crypto market. Trust me guys, it really pays a lot!
Look like another diversion for people while elite steal more from us erode our rights and freedoms and the plebs have there heads in a make believe world what a joke
so Secondlife returns, but with another name?
But what u are assuming as real world will be virtual in coming days.And virtual world will tend to become real.
Wow, 2nd life (@17:30) for that 84 year old widow to live again in her 20s and be physical and go on dates is THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH!
What’s wrong with the physical world what’s the point of re creating it
yeah yeah Brave?
We will forget to eat and take care for childrens. Its dangerous. Beacuse we humans we have no bounds.
If metaverse really blows up that will be the worst thing as only one person will control the whole thing which in short will be NEW WORLD ORDER (ILLUMINATI) welcome to the last days motherfuckers
Ready Player One has given us a glimpse of how Metaverse could potentially turn out. Interesting and hopefully this won't turn out exactly as it did!
VR >>>>> Real world.
Just another way to get stuck in Internet Fantasy world.People are already confused about real world.
Metaverse is unreal. It's makes the man live in dream
What do we actually want? (Pizza, I know : ), but what else?)
We are at the beginning of the next big step,
a whole new dimension of interconnectedness is emerging: the metaverse,
the next stage of the Internet, the next great digital revolution.
The question that now inevitably arises for us is:
What do we actually want?
Facebook, now Meta, recently announced its vision of this new digital world,
numerous other corporations also delivered concepts, and now it's up to us to choose,
but to do so, we first need to clarify the one central question:
What do we actually want?
Do we want a metaverse that spies on us, listens to us and controls us
knowing more about us than our best friends, our family, ourselves?
Do we want a world that has been commercialized down to the very last corner
full of alternative-less continuous advertising and senselessly overpriced NFTs?
To be honest, I still don't understand why, for example, digital building land is being
sold for real money, when it can be duplicated for free,
I thought that was the great thing about the Internet: Sharing things increases them
not diminish them, so why exclude people, why limit creativity?
Do we want a world full of hate and agitation?
Do we want pay-to-win, lootboxes, digital gambling, digital one-armed bandits?
The concept of the metaverse is not without reason often explained on the basis of computer games:
Meet friends, play and have fun in digital space.
And numerous companies themselves have also presented plans for their metaverse,
but it is important to remember: these are the same companies
who, in the past, have always put their own profit before the interests of the player,
why should they do it differently in the future?
Do we want a world dominated by large corporations,
which think only of their share prices, of the bankers, stockbrokers and hedge funds?
Facebook and Co had their chance, we were all able to see what the result was.
When following current events, it is already noticeable,
that many familiar mistakes from the early days of the Internet are threatening to repeat themselves,
Monopolies, created by network effects, control the Internet
and, as we increasingly spend our daily lives in the digital space, our real lives as well.
Whoever creates a digital world has power, just as it does with the real world.
The question now is to whom we want to grant this power; the question is:
What do we actually want? What kind of future do we actually want?
Shouldn't decisions in the digital realm be made democratically, as they are in the real world?
Shouldn't the power belong to the users?
We are faced with a choice, what kind of future do we want?
Do we want to leave the field to large corporations
or do we want to take our fate into our own hands?
I cannot (and do not want to) imagine being the only one who looks for a better (digital) future
and have therefore been working on concrete ideas for this for quite some time.
We want an open metaverse, a metaverse by the people for the people.
We want a democratic metaverse, in which all decisions are made by elections
by the users themselves, in which all positions are given by the users through elections too.
We want to create trust through openness, absolute transparency and clear communication.
We want a metaverse that is open to everyone,
regardless of income and ability to pay.
We want a metaverse in which everyone is free to express themselves
and where creativity is unrestricted, is limitless.
We want a metaverse in which everyone can freely contribute,
to which everyone can contribute his own part, we don't want to create just any digital space,
we want to create, together with you, all united, our common (digital) future.
We want to realize the best ideas in the world together with you,
we want to serve you, we want to serve the users, we want to serve humanity.
Yes, I am also just some generic guy from the Internet,
not very good at anything, but fortunately this is really not about me,
it's about us, it's about the idea and if you like the idea, participate!
Join us! Let's create a better world together!
Alone we may each be just some random guys,
but together we have the potential, we have the power to change the world!
Get involved, every single snippet of code, every line of text, 2D and 3D art,
every pixel drawn, every tiny contribution, every step no matter how small
brings us all together closer to the goal.
You are busy with all kinds of things and really don't have time?
Then support the project with a donation!
Network with us on social media (#TramannGroup),
make suggestions, express criticism, give feedback,
because only this way it is possible for all of us to constantly improve and grow together.
(Discord: https://discord.gg/bZskXT8N7t
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tramann_Group
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrp9sds534STEL6HLMR8zQ)
Make suggestions, talk and network with like-minded people
and last but not least: spread the idea, so as many people as possible can get to know about it
and can get the chance to participate and build with all of us our common metaverse.
Share this article, share this text and talk about it with others!
Together we can change the world!
I already dream in the night, I dont want to in the day
Amazing ideas for future !
When I saw the Movie Ready Player One I thought is this is going to be the next big thing … well it looks like it’s happening !!! Lol Metaverse seems interesting but also dangerous !
Until now I can only imagine VR is a real progress in Simracing. But browsing the Internet, reading news or talk with others? Nope.
Childish fantasy
This is last desperate attempt to draw people in before it dies.
Ready player one