Moonfall Review

Moonfall Review

Moonfall debuts in theaters on Feb. 4, 2022. Review by Siddhant Adlakha. The big ideas in Roland Emmerich’s Moonfall are …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. What a monotone and droning review. Like listening to the teacher on Charlie Brown spewing endless negativity. You didn’t like the movie. Got it 👍🏼

  2. This is the same man blaming superheroe movies while at the same time delivering unremarkable movies, we haven't forgotten how he ruined Stonewall and made it about ppl who weren't even involved in that historic event

  3. If your going to watch this, turn off the rational side of your brain. This was on par with Armageddon for the # of errors that break all logic and stopped me from enjoy this.

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