SEND” REAL OR FAKE” SUBMISSIONS TO billschannel@gmail.com This is the best way to submit a question. SEND FAN ART to …
SEND” REAL OR FAKE” SUBMISSIONS TO billschannel@gmail.com This is the best way to submit a question. SEND FAN ART to …
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How’s everyone’s day going?
Does he ever find anything interesting to be real?
Why!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't we just hang a camera in Loch Ness how bad can it be
Real if this guy is a YouTube or and he is literally 54 then how can he know how to edit
Who else remembers when bill just hit 1 million God it was awesome
Unknown but a stil believe in the loch ness monster
Not a hoax i live in Scotland I’ve been on holiday in Inverness that’s where Loch Ness is I saw his head poke out in a speed boat
I have lived near lochness for 8 years on the shore and all I have ever seen are fresh water Charlie’s trust me all there is at Loch Ness are fossils of plesiosaur that lived in the area of Loch Ness so that’s what sparked the Loch Ness monster legend
Why haven’t you aged since when I was 5, I’m now 13
Please be REAL
course its real , its just got to be now our nessie cafè' s clised .just like aliens and god and stuff . tooth fairy
Oof lol
sunken canoe if it was loc ness im sure the ppl in the canoes on the beach would notice also that type of dino breaths air so it wouldnt be sleeping under water