My life has totally changed since I started with $ 8,000 and now I make $ 24,450 every 10days
Sami , Way to go with those Charts man !! Thank you
buy now and if it dipps buy more bitcoin will always strive for the next hundred years its the future of money. invest while its below a mill
I believe < that the inflation is already priced in crypto market since the end of last year. These manipulative rats are always 2 steps ahead of everybody because they are market makers. I hope I’m wrong and they won’t keep dumping it on retail investors as always. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also David Mayor has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 5 BTC lately
boooom, launch a like to the boss
“Tears of the moon boys” lol
People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they miss the opportunity to buy and invest in Crypto as it's retracing….BE WISE
I'm new to forex and I find it difficult using these strategies well. Where can I find a legit broker? that will manage my account and also teach me how to trade.
Investing in crypto is the only big chance of making money
<Do not panic, the moon is ours the price is amazing for every early investors for those who got in for the first time otherwise it's just bouncing back to normal price for the rest of us which is good. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also you Mr Marcellus Braylon has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 19btc lately.
Please with good heart please dontae.. bc1qschl5t8upetdqn3tt6uszumpz69mdpz3alcsas
OMG!!! We’re going to $80k!!!!!!
As soon as the sentiment improves and FOMO comes in, there will be no more significant resistance Sami.
Great info Sami, thanks.
Happy New Year < I totally agree with what you are saying. I started in crypto in August 2017, and I bought in. I was up 5x by December only to watch that disappear quickly and then watch the original Investment go down by about 85% during the ensuing 4 years bear market.l took the opportunity to accumulate more over the last 4 years which was hard to do and at the same time a smart thing to do. I wish I had bought more. I am in profit for now because I'm using my experience and what I have learnt from my coach. I have learned from you and other YouTubers especially my mentor Richard Wayne who taught me how to make trade and increase my Crypto from 11 to 27btc. No one really knows what is going to happen in the market and I know you are only saying what you think will happen based on the past. It is yours and my opinion so people should make their own Investment choices based on their own research
Where can be the first support if bitcoin got rejected from 45k
Did you know Michael uses the money with the dead presidents? Anywhere he goes
pot is legal, for Michael, but no habeas corpus?
<I love the grounded reality of this channel… TA is all well and good but I find it truly baffling that all major crypto youtubers just look at pure TA and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC is pumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market.This is the worst possible time in history to invest as so many don't back up their crypto assets.More emphasis should be put into day tradiing as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market.I have made over 11.8btc from day tradng with Theo Ryan, insights and signals in less than 2 weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish.
Just when I thought you were being professional you started cursing again! Just so you know I like your work however know that it’s harder to be kind than clever. One day you will understand that.
lets do not give up
That why I bought more CRV
Thanks Sami, you're the best!!!
Thank you, Sami!
like 50's backup singers used to sing :dip da dip da dip Blue Moon
Thank you! Was looking at this when you're video dropped
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My life has totally changed since I started with $ 8,000 and now I make $ 24,450 every 10days
Sami , Way to go with those Charts man !! Thank you
buy now and if it dipps buy more bitcoin will always strive for the next hundred years its the future of money. invest while its below a mill
I believe < that the inflation is already priced in crypto market since the end of last year. These manipulative rats are always 2 steps ahead of everybody because they are market makers. I hope I’m wrong and they won’t keep dumping it on retail investors as always. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also David Mayor has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 5 BTC lately
boooom, launch a like to the boss
“Tears of the moon boys” lol
People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they miss the opportunity to buy and invest in Crypto as it's retracing….BE WISE
I'm new to forex and I find it difficult using these strategies well. Where can I find a legit broker? that will manage my account and also teach me how to trade.
Investing in crypto is the only big chance of making money
<Do not panic, the moon is ours the price is amazing for every early investors for those who got in for the first time otherwise it's just bouncing back to normal price for the rest of us which is good. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also you Mr Marcellus Braylon has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 19btc lately.
Please with good heart please dontae..
OMG!!! We’re going to $80k!!!!!!
As soon as the sentiment improves and FOMO comes in, there will be no more significant resistance Sami.
Great info Sami, thanks.
Happy New Year < I totally agree with what you are saying. I started in crypto in August 2017, and I bought in. I was up 5x by December only to watch that disappear quickly and then watch the original Investment go down by about 85% during the ensuing 4 years bear market.l took the opportunity to accumulate more over the last 4 years which was hard to do and at the same time a smart thing to do. I wish I had bought more. I am in profit for now because I'm using my experience and what I have learnt from my coach. I have learned from you and other YouTubers especially my mentor Richard Wayne who taught me how to make trade and increase my Crypto from 11 to 27btc. No one really knows what is going to happen in the market and I know you are only saying what you think will happen based on the past. It is yours and my opinion so people should make their own Investment choices based on their own research
Where can be the first support if bitcoin got rejected from 45k
Did you know Michael uses the money with the dead presidents? Anywhere he goes
pot is legal, for Michael, but no habeas corpus?
<I love the grounded reality of this channel… TA is all well and good but I find it truly baffling that all major crypto youtubers just look at pure TA and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC is pumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market.This is the worst possible time in history to invest as so many don't back up their crypto assets.More emphasis should be put into day tradiing as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market.I have made over 11.8btc from day tradng with Theo Ryan, insights and signals in less than 2 weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish.
Just when I thought you were being professional you started cursing again! Just so you know I like your work however know that it’s harder to be kind than clever. One day you will understand that.
lets do not give up
That why I bought more CRV
Thanks Sami, you're the best!!!
Thank you, Sami!
like 50's backup singers used to sing :dip da dip da dip Blue Moon
Thank you! Was looking at this when you're video dropped
If you don't drink then we are the same.
Bring me to dubai bro.
Thanks for the no BS take on things.
Thank you so much for your helpful Videos :)))
Thank you, Sami!