If he ever dumps it going to pure carnage, but he seems like a nice guy so I think he'll let us know before he does something like that.
smart… buy high to make losses … tax …Deduct Stock Losses From Your Tax Bill
so what do we do when saylor owns the majority of coins?
How is Saylor so rich without using google??!
Hey Anthony, tell your brother to lay off the coke before filming
Michael Saylor buying Bitcoin is not "Breaking News!"
We will all assume Saylor is buying Bitcoin all the time, only tell us when he has stopped.
Whooo gives a Fuck
I appreciate u sharing ur knowledge but ur brothers simply repeat what u just said. Because this involves ur brothers, sorry to share my opinion. I also had a similar situation in my business. Was not a benefit in the end to business or family.
I totally agree with what you are saying….The fact is, BTC is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now if this is right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you cant tell if it is going bearish or bullish. while others still continue to trade without the fear of making lose, others are being patient. it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. i would say trading has been going smoothly for me, i started with 2.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 11.6 BTC in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader James Linton
I'm Michael Saylor of my immediate vicinity.
The ultimate sell signal just flashed.. he is what Gartman was to stocks
Crypto YouTubers need to stop looking for reasons that the market is struggling solely on what is happening in the Crypto market. The World financial system is on the edge People are nervous not just about the Crypto market, but all markets. If it goes off the edge Crypto will take a massive dive just like all other markets. Suppress the market for the real money to come in, ergo the lengthening of the cycle!!! I wish I had bought more. I am in profit for now but I am planning on using my experience to do exactly what you have said in this post. I have learned from you and other Youtubrs especially Larsen Chris, who taught me how to make trade and increase my crypto from 2 to 17 btc that no one really knows what is going to happen and I know you are only saying what you think will happen based on the past. It is yours and my opinion so people should make their own investment choices based on their own research…,
So this idea that Bitcoin is for the people….How does that work when a couple of dudes like Michael Saylor eventually own 90% of it? It's not impossible. How does that make Bitcoin a better thing for the average battler than the current system?
Why not that's the whole point be greedy when others are fearful
Joe's body language is classic, he dislikes when his younger brother kills it.
We are peapole of the world and this AMERICAN FLAG is totaly displaced!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's see how Michael feels next year when BTC drops 85%, and the vultures move in and short his company.
Love it. But between hi. And Btc. They are controlling too much btc
Btc will go down. Do some research on Michael Saylors background plz…
dont you think him owning such a high percent of the total bitcoin deters others from buying since he controls so much?
Bitcoin is about to go apeshit!
Absolutely bonkers!!!
Of course he did
$87,000 just in two weeks Mrs Charlotte Junko Walsh you are so amazing.
Do you're part and cause the Bitcoin supply shock by buying Bitcoin and Hodling it
Risk management is a vital element of success for any tradr in any mar:ket. No matter the size of the cap!tal you’re trad!ng with or investing in, losses are going to be inevitable, particularly in highly volatile mar:kets like crypt0curency. Learning how to manage risk to minimize losses is vital. Yet, it’s also necessary to master risk management in order to ensure maximum gains. After all, the more you’re willing to risk, the greater the potential reward. I’m not a pro tradr but I was lucky enough to make 25’B’T’C since late last year following the instriuctions and s!gnals from Jamie Wangs. He runs program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how trad!ng Bitcoin works, to help them utilise the volatility of the crypto mar:ket and also stack up more bitcoin.
How is it going to become the new money if one guy owns it all?
Saylor THE true bagholder of THE ponzi .haha
If he ever dumps it going to pure carnage, but he seems like a nice guy so I think he'll let us know before he does something like that.
smart… buy high to make losses … tax …Deduct Stock Losses From Your Tax Bill
so what do we do when saylor owns the majority of coins?
How is Saylor so rich without using google??!
Hey Anthony, tell your brother to lay off the coke before filming
Michael Saylor buying Bitcoin is not "Breaking News!"
We will all assume Saylor is buying Bitcoin all the time, only tell us when he has stopped.
Whooo gives a Fuck
I appreciate u sharing ur knowledge but ur brothers simply repeat what u just said. Because this involves ur brothers, sorry to share my opinion. I also had a similar situation in my business. Was not a benefit in the end to business or family.
I totally agree with what you are saying….The fact is, BTC is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now if this is right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you cant tell if it is going bearish or bullish. while others still continue to trade without the fear of making lose, others are being patient. it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. i would say trading has been going smoothly for me, i started with 2.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 11.6 BTC in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader James Linton
I'm Michael Saylor of my immediate vicinity.
The ultimate sell signal just flashed.. he is what Gartman was to stocks
Crypto YouTubers need to stop looking for reasons that the market is struggling solely on what is happening in the Crypto market. The World financial system is on the edge People are nervous not just about the Crypto market, but all markets. If it goes off the edge Crypto will take a massive dive just like all other markets. Suppress the market for the real money to come in, ergo the lengthening of the cycle!!! I wish I had bought more. I am in profit for now but I am planning on using my experience to do exactly what you have said in this post. I have learned from you and other Youtubrs especially Larsen Chris, who taught me how to make trade and increase my crypto from 2 to 17 btc that no one really knows what is going to happen and I know you are only saying what you think will happen based on the past. It is yours and my opinion so people should make their own investment choices based on their own research…,
So this idea that Bitcoin is for the people….How does that work when a couple of dudes like Michael Saylor eventually own 90% of it? It's not impossible. How does that make Bitcoin a better thing for the average battler than the current system?
Why not that's the whole point be greedy when others are fearful
Joe's body language is classic, he dislikes when his younger brother kills it.
We are peapole of the world and this AMERICAN FLAG is totaly displaced!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's see how Michael feels next year when BTC drops 85%, and the vultures move in and short his company.
Love it. But between hi. And Btc. They are controlling too much btc
Btc will go down. Do some research on Michael Saylors background plz…
dont you think him owning such a high percent of the total bitcoin deters others from buying since he controls so much?
Bitcoin is about to go apeshit!
Absolutely bonkers!!!
Of course he did
$87,000 just in two weeks Mrs Charlotte Junko Walsh you are so amazing
Do you're part and cause the Bitcoin supply shock by buying Bitcoin and Hodling it
Risk management is a vital element of success for any tradr in any mar:ket. No matter the size of the cap!tal you’re trad!ng with or investing in, losses are going to be inevitable, particularly in highly volatile mar:kets like crypt0curency. Learning how to manage risk to minimize losses is vital. Yet, it’s also necessary to master risk management in order to ensure maximum gains. After all, the more you’re willing to risk, the greater the potential reward. I’m not a pro tradr but I was lucky enough to make 25’B’T’C since late last year following the instriuctions and s!gnals from Jamie Wangs. He runs program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how trad!ng Bitcoin works, to help them utilise the volatility of the crypto mar:ket and also stack up more bitcoin.
How is it going to become the new money if one guy owns it all?