IGN Reviews – Super Stardust Delta – Game Review

Sony specialist and IGN Editor Colin Moriarty reviews Super Stardust Delta. Super Stardust has made the jump to the PlayStation …


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  1. But what does that have to do with his comment ? that's like someone saying "japanese people dominate the leaderboards in super stardust delta" and someone replying with "learn how to hack modern warfare 2" what was the point of your comment ?

  2. Should i get Super stardust delta or Sine Mora they are both 10$ and super stardust got 9.5/10 from ign and sine mora got 9/10.

  3. vita eats up any android iphone devices with games i have a vita and its a ps3 in a palm of my hand just waiting for more games cmon sony bring more games so people will buy vita more

  4. Never been a huuge MGS fan, though for whatever reason am finding I enjoy various games I typically wouldn't, on the Vita. I'll give that one a look. šŸ™‚ If you've played Daxter, you've likely done this one too.. but I had fun with Secret Agent Clank on PSP, as well.

  5. Oops, didn't mean to put the other comment as a reply to you. (so here's a real reply) While I disagree/love Escape Plan & do feel it has replay value, (if not directly after completing it), a PSP game I had a lot of fun with was Daxter. (which I expect to be cheap these days, though have never checked) Of course there are PS1 greats, like Crash 1-3 etc, though expect you've probably played those to death already.

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