I've just come across your channel. I genuinely love it. Thanks for the great content. Feel like a child watching games reviews on tv
Great video keep up the good work
People said no be will wear a head set cause it’s stupid , but yet we wear glasses and huge head phones when we play , Glad it took off and my investment in it is worth how far it’s come
I still find it weird that I didn't feel sick at all when starting VR but I nearly throw up when in a car XD
ah batman arkham ending. i was confused and impressed. i have to play it again on quest 2 with the better resolution
I'm still new to VR, but teleportation mode makes me uncomfortable. I don't know how it is supposed to help keep people from getting sick. Taking me out of immersion and popping me to somewhere else, makes me sick. LoL!
Ngl you deserve loads more subs than you have
Have you tried arranger, I think it has the best movement system on the market. Maybe next to echo
imo . the biggest two things that hold VR back, are :
-better movement system . -needing weaker hardware to run VR games
hopefully in time the two thing get improved on and VR games can surpass flat screen .
Ok, Good video and all, But how the hell did you not rank Blood and Truth and one of the best looking games..
My pc: i can handle the first gen of vr games nothin more
No boneworks?
A new game called Airborn allows you to fly around and you don’t get sick. Not sure what they did to make this happen.
I hope to see some newer VR games try to take the title away from Half Life Alyx. That game set a new bar not just for VR, but for gaming in general.
I'm relatively new to VR and found a lot of titles that looked interesting thanks to this video, so I thought that someone would find this list useful for check out new games and experiences:
P.S.: really good video, I can' t wait for next VR generations, we are getting everyday closer to a true virtual world and a new way to enjoy not only games but also life.
Personally, I love VR, but I don't think it can replace traditional gaming, nor do I want it to. Even though VR is revolutionary and unique (I say this as a quest owner), I still have a special place for flat gaming.
I persoanlly get sick when using teleport And 90 or 45° turning on psvr It so disorienting Same with the blacked out safe zones when you turn in vr I have to turn all that off for every game Especially saints and sinner I feel natural in normal vr
When resident evil first got shown i thought it was lester
No mention of H3VR and the inception of the armswinger movement scheme?
Even though H3VR is a smaller game, it has the most charm I've ever seen in a VR game and their implementation of armswinger is intuitive and really well done. On top of that, it's got hundreds of hours of replayability, and if you're a firearms nerd, there isn't a game out there that models forearms more realistically than this one. On top of it all, it gets regular updates every other week adding new content such as game modes, toys and tools and has multiple story based campaigns.
It's all lighthearted fun but it's genuinely so good, it's also only 20$ on steam.
I wonder when new games are coming to the oculus quest
Subnauticas VR mode is not VR in my opinion. A vr game should allow for playing with your vr controllers and not require a normal controller. Just replacing the mouse or thumbstick input with a vr headset should not be considered vr
One thing I'm surprised you haven't mention in the "movement" section is vignette. Basically, the option to reduce your FOV when your character is moving. I think this is pioneered by Until You Fall? Saints and Sinners also have this option. It's a really really helpful option for people who are new to VR. For example, I'm just got my Index last month. After finishing Alyx, I tried Boneworks, and it's really a "If you vomit in The Voidway you vomit in real life" game. But Saints and Sinners feels significantly more comfortable, due to the vignette options.
Great video. They're so informative I was shocked when you said shit! Funny though!
We need more wide fov headsets. I’m tired of tunnel vision.
i rushed it completely and bought an occulus rift dev kit 1, the very first vr headset available, long before the rift released, it was like seeing the VR world through a grid, so blocky, there was no head tracking for leaning or crouching (only turning) and there were no controllers. a few weeks ago i bought a valve index, and OH MY GOD, this is VR! the distance that we've came in the 7 years is astounding!
Great Video mate, well done
Honestly that left side image of the cartoony skeleton character that's meant to be the "before"… Looks so much more interesting than the boring ass realistic human on the right.
I don't understand why everyone cares so fucking much about looking realistic… Realistic is just fucking boring.. I don't have any problem at all with PS1 games graphics, they look great to me.
That being said, I enjoyed the video.
I remember when I got my vr earlier this year. I couldn’t play for 30 minutes without having to lay down for like 3 hours due to motion sickness. Luckily, I got my VR legs. Yesterday I played Beat Saber and Pavlov all day. Those and VR Chat are personally my favorites. Oh and don’t forget Half Life, that’s on a whole different level
I think people need to concentrate and focus on a less known but essential category of Realism. This can describe a lot of things within VR games such as NPC interactions that resemble natural human interaction so we can feel more connected to the game and it’s environment. Realism enhances Immersion.
The games dont need a higher refresh rate. They have a lower one than regular games.
scoff I think you’re forgetting the OG headset “the Virtual Boy”
you forgot to include the KFC VR game
Free locomotion has gotten much better in newer games. A combination of tweaking speed and acceleration has made a huge difference. I played all of ALYX using full locomotion and never has any problems. Then I went back to Shadow Point a few days later and couldn’t last 10 mins.
Glad you mentioned the simmers elite dangerous DCS as many of these were at the forefront of the vr scene and have been around a while vr for me is the difference between playing a game and literally being in the planespaceship and as sit down experiences were easier before they figured out how to do the halflife alyxs stuff. Still remember the first time in il2 attacking a stuka and a stray shot taking out my aileron staring at the approaching ground with a tight knot in my stomach knowing there was nothing I could do. In a way its sad that you lose some of that over time.
Cant wait for the future of Virtual Reality.
VR will take over virtually ALL entertainment.
I'd love to see a more in-depth look at H3VR if you get the chance
the idea of picking something up, throwing/smashing it, with no consequences is always a good time. love that toddler mode it gives u
0:31 correction. Once all consumer headsets have eye tracking with foviated rendering we will have even more resources than other games since we will only need to render like 1 percent of the screen because of peripheral vision
I wouldn't put playstation vr in the list…. You can't compare that shit quality with rift and index
I might be in the minority, but I really love arm swinging movement (hot dogs, horse shoes and hand grenades got me into it). I wish more games had this as an option.
Uncharted all series would be great using vr
I've just come across your channel. I genuinely love it. Thanks for the great content. Feel like a child watching games reviews on tv
Great video keep up the good work

People said no be will wear a head set cause it’s stupid , but yet we wear glasses and huge head phones when we play , Glad it took off and my investment in it is worth how far it’s come
I still find it weird that I didn't feel sick at all when starting VR but I nearly throw up when in a car XD
ah batman arkham ending. i was confused and impressed.
i have to play it again on quest 2 with the better resolution
I'm still new to VR, but teleportation mode makes me uncomfortable. I don't know how it is supposed to help keep people from getting sick. Taking me out of immersion and popping me to somewhere else, makes me sick. LoL!
Ngl you deserve loads more subs than you have
Have you tried arranger, I think it has the best movement system on the market. Maybe next to echo
imo . the biggest two things that hold VR back, are :
-better movement system .
-needing weaker hardware to run VR games
hopefully in time the two thing get improved on and VR games can surpass flat screen .
Ok, Good video and all, But how the hell did you not rank Blood and Truth and one of the best looking games..
My pc: i can handle the first gen of vr games nothin more
No boneworks?
A new game called Airborn allows you to fly around and you don’t get sick. Not sure what they did to make this happen.
I hope to see some newer VR games try to take the title away from Half Life Alyx. That game set a new bar not just for VR, but for gaming in general.
I'm relatively new to VR and found a lot of titles that looked interesting thanks to this video, so I thought that someone would find this list useful for check out new games and experiences:
– Alien: Isolation 2:29
– Arizona Sunshine 1:07 4:40
– Arktika.1 1:43 8:50
– Asgard's Wrath 3:04 6:13
– Assetto Corsa 6:56
– Astro Bot 1:48
– Back to Dinosaur Island 0:40
– Batman Arkham VR 1:24 5:59
– Beat Saber 3:26
– Blade and Sorcery 5:04
– Blood & Truth 6:04
– Boneworks 3:53 5:17 6:19
– Budget Cuts 8:33
– DCS World 2:15
– FREEDIVER: Triton Down 10:57
– Grand Theft Auto V 2:35
– Half-Life: Alyx 0:14 3:18 4:02 5:35 6:38
– Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice VR Edition 2:04
– Hotel R'n'R 4:14
– I Expect You to Die 1:05
– Job Simulator 4:27
– Journey of the Gods 0:47
– Lone Echo 1:36 4:52 9:26
– Moss 5:53
– Onward 6:53 9:04
– Pavlov VR 0:28
– Project Cars 2 2:10
– Resident Evil 7: Biohazard 1:51
– Seeking Dawn 2:53
– Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter 7:44
– Sprint Vector 9:47
– STRIDE 10:08
– Subnautica 7:02
– Superhot VR 0:57 3:38
– The Climb 1:16
– The Vanishing of Ethan Carther VR 2:18
– The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners 0:07 5:26 5:44 6:28 9:17
– The Wizards – Dark Times 7:10
– Transference 2:40
– Until Dawn: Rush of Blood 8:01
– Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode II 3:31
– Vanishing Realms 7:31
– Westworld Awakening 3:00
– Wildlands 2 7:21
– WipEout Omega Collection 1:59
P.S.: really good video, I can' t wait for next VR generations, we are getting everyday closer to a true virtual world and a new way to enjoy not only games but also life.
Personally, I love VR, but I don't think it can replace traditional gaming, nor do I want it to. Even though VR is revolutionary and unique (I say this as a quest owner), I still have a special place for flat gaming.
I persoanlly get sick when using teleport
And 90 or 45° turning on psvr
It so disorienting
Same with the blacked out safe zones when you turn in vr
I have to turn all that off for every game
Especially saints and sinner
I feel natural in normal vr
motion sickness is for losers
03:17 Yes, my favorit game: Half life: Ax.
When resident evil first got shown i thought it was lester
No mention of H3VR and the inception of the armswinger movement scheme?
Even though H3VR is a smaller game, it has the most charm I've ever seen in a VR game and their implementation of armswinger is intuitive and really well done. On top of that, it's got hundreds of hours of replayability, and if you're a firearms nerd, there isn't a game out there that models forearms more realistically than this one. On top of it all, it gets regular updates every other week adding new content such as game modes, toys and tools and has multiple story based campaigns.
It's all lighthearted fun but it's genuinely so good, it's also only 20$ on steam.
I wonder when new games are coming to the oculus quest
Subnauticas VR mode is not VR in my opinion. A vr game should allow for playing with your vr controllers and not require a normal controller. Just replacing the mouse or thumbstick input with a vr headset should not be considered vr
One thing I'm surprised you haven't mention in the "movement" section is vignette. Basically, the option to reduce your FOV when your character is moving.
I think this is pioneered by Until You Fall? Saints and Sinners also have this option. It's a really really helpful option for people who are new to VR.
For example, I'm just got my Index last month. After finishing Alyx, I tried Boneworks, and it's really a "If you vomit in The Voidway you vomit in real life" game. But Saints and Sinners feels significantly more comfortable, due to the vignette options.
Great video. They're so informative I was shocked when you said shit! Funny though!
We need more wide fov headsets. I’m tired of tunnel vision.
i rushed it completely and bought an occulus rift dev kit 1, the very first vr headset available, long before the rift released,
it was like seeing the VR world through a grid, so blocky, there was no head tracking for leaning or crouching (only turning) and there were no controllers.
a few weeks ago i bought a valve index, and OH MY GOD, this is VR!
the distance that we've came in the 7 years is astounding!
Great Video mate, well done
Honestly that left side image of the cartoony skeleton character that's meant to be the "before"… Looks so much more interesting than the boring ass realistic human on the right.
I don't understand why everyone cares so fucking much about looking realistic… Realistic is just fucking boring.. I don't have any problem at all with PS1 games graphics, they look great to me.
That being said, I enjoyed the video.
I remember when I got my vr earlier this year. I couldn’t play for 30 minutes without having to lay down for like 3 hours due to motion sickness. Luckily, I got my VR legs. Yesterday I played Beat Saber and Pavlov all day. Those and VR Chat are personally my favorites. Oh and don’t forget Half Life, that’s on a whole different level
I think people need to concentrate and focus on a less known but essential category of Realism. This can describe a lot of things within VR games such as NPC interactions that resemble natural human interaction so we can feel more connected to the game and it’s environment. Realism enhances Immersion.
The games dont need a higher refresh rate. They have a lower one than regular games.
scoff I think you’re forgetting the OG headset “the Virtual Boy”
you forgot to include the KFC VR game
Free locomotion has gotten much better in newer games. A combination of tweaking speed and acceleration has made a huge difference. I played all of ALYX using full locomotion and never has any problems. Then I went back to Shadow Point a few days later and couldn’t last 10 mins.
Glad you mentioned the simmers elite dangerous DCS as many of these were at the forefront of the vr scene and have been around a while vr for me is the difference between playing a game and literally being in the planespaceship and as sit down experiences were easier before they figured out how to do the halflife alyxs stuff. Still remember the first time in il2 attacking a stuka and a stray shot taking out my aileron staring at the approaching ground with a tight knot in my stomach knowing there was nothing I could do. In a way its sad that you lose some of that over time.
Cant wait for the future of Virtual Reality.
VR will take over virtually ALL entertainment.
I'd love to see a more in-depth look at H3VR if you get the chance
the idea of picking something up, throwing/smashing it, with no consequences is always a good time. love that toddler mode it gives u
0:31 correction. Once all consumer headsets have eye tracking with foviated rendering we will have even more resources than other games since we will only need to render like 1 percent of the screen because of peripheral vision
I wouldn't put playstation vr in the list…. You can't compare that shit quality with rift and index
I might be in the minority, but I really love arm swinging movement (hot dogs, horse shoes and hand grenades got me into it). I wish more games had this as an option.