The Oculus Quest 2 is here and virtual reality will never be the same. The Quest 2 makes it easier than ever to lose yourself in jaw-dropping virtual worlds, …
Newegg is a garbage company now that they have been taken over by a Chinese company. Check their reviews on BBB they are a awful company that will run you through a ringer if anything goes wrong with shipping or your product. They banned my account with a $1400 line of credit and will not unban me even when my shipping and mailing address is the same. Avoid these clowns at all cost unless you love horrible customer service.
look at my egg
Muy caro esto donde lo arman no ha de costar mas de 50dlls para el almacenamiento que tiene demaciado caro un cable que cuesta maximo 5dlls te lo venden por 80 esto si que es negocio pero bueno que lo compren los que tengan dinero yo esperare unos years para comprarlo
Super bro Vara level Vara
Hay I buy a thing for 59.99$ ang I get nothing give me money beck pls
I am once again asking for more cards
Can you point me to a high quality MB that has: 1 legacy pci slot, atx or matx, amd or intel, hiqh quality vrm's, and runs one of the fastest cpu's available ? Eternally grateful !!
Deez nuts
But can I use it offline?
as a gamer what games are compatible with this? PUBG? COD?
hi newegg, i love video very much thank you for information
Do you guys know when you will be in stock with them again I placed an order thinking they were in stock but it was a back order I guess but I need to know so I can cancel until it's in stock again
80 bucks for a cable? yeah… I doubt that
*requires a Facebook account
0:52 The recent situation happening in the world has changed our life style a lot, and we really need to learn how to do earn money online. What if you want to setup your own business, but you dont know how? I recommend you this guy, he will setup you auto proffit site with done for you with 9000 monthly income. It is a ready made website auto profit site, managing it wisely you earn from 9k monthly and your expenses will be 1950$ (one time payment) for the installation and 600-700$ for traffic which you need to send monthly. Speaking about traffic you will not need to worry about this- as we usually send this amount and we continue maintaining it. It is not the system that you just press the button- and here is money, as you will need to manage it. w h t s a p +7 9 6 7 1 5 7 0 5 8 1
Yall gonna restock them?
Dont forget, oculus was build on stolen hardware, run on stolen software.
Original software before it was stolen Was by -> zenimax media inc. Original hardware before it was stolen Was by -> total recall technologies.
Bro I want to order but the shipping is 100$
best one
Hey is this a scam cause I want one for my son this Christmas he really wants one
small gripe, but the Beat Saber at 1:25 is PCVR Beat Saber and not Quest Beat Saber. Quest Beat Saber looks very basic. They also show that there was no Oculus Link Cable when she pulls off the headset either.
I and many, many others urge you not to buy into this Facebook spyware product.
is it hackable so 0 bytes are sent to fb yet?
No. Not tying a VR headset and game library to some kind of Facebook social credit system. May Oculus go down in flames.
"The best and most immersive vr controllers" try the index friend.
I clicked on this because i thought it was a parody
Does it look like caprica vr
Newegg is a garbage company now that they have been taken over by a Chinese company. Check their reviews on BBB they are a awful company that will run you through a ringer if anything goes wrong with shipping or your product. They banned my account with a $1400 line of credit and will not unban me even when my shipping and mailing address is the same. Avoid these clowns at all cost unless you love horrible customer service.
look at my egg
Muy caro esto donde lo arman no ha de costar mas de 50dlls para el almacenamiento que tiene demaciado caro un cable que cuesta maximo 5dlls te lo venden por 80 esto si que es negocio pero bueno que lo compren los que tengan dinero yo esperare unos years para comprarlo
Super bro Vara level Vara
Hay I buy a thing for 59.99$ ang I get nothing give me money beck pls
I am once again asking for more cards
Can you point me to a high quality MB that has: 1 legacy pci slot, atx or matx, amd or intel, hiqh quality vrm's, and runs one of the fastest cpu's available ? Eternally grateful !!
Deez nuts
But can I use it offline?
as a gamer what games are compatible with this? PUBG? COD?
hi newegg, i love video very much thank you for information
Do you guys know when you will be in stock with them again I placed an order thinking they were in stock but it was a back order I guess but I need to know so I can cancel until it's in stock again
80 bucks for a cable? yeah… I doubt that
*requires a Facebook account
0:52 The recent situation happening in the world has changed our life style a lot, and we really need to learn how to do earn money online. What if you want to setup your own business, but you dont know how? I recommend you this guy, he will setup you auto proffit site with done for you with 9000 monthly income. It is a ready made website auto profit site, managing it wisely you earn from 9k monthly and your expenses will be 1950$ (one time payment) for the installation and 600-700$ for traffic which you need to send monthly. Speaking about traffic you will not need to worry about this- as we usually send this amount and we continue maintaining it. It is not the system that you just press the button- and here is money, as you will need to manage it. w h t s a p +7 9 6 7 1 5 7 0 5 8 1
Yall gonna restock them?
Dont forget, oculus was build on stolen hardware, run on stolen software.
Original software before it was stolen
Was by -> zenimax media inc.
Original hardware before it was stolen
Was by -> total recall technologies.
Bro I want to order but the shipping is 100$
best one
Hey is this a scam cause I want one for my son this Christmas he really wants one
small gripe, but the Beat Saber at 1:25 is PCVR Beat Saber and not Quest Beat Saber. Quest Beat Saber looks very basic. They also show that there was no Oculus Link Cable when she pulls off the headset either.
I and many, many others urge you not to buy into this Facebook spyware product.
is it hackable so 0 bytes are sent to fb yet?
No. Not tying a VR headset and game library to some kind of Facebook social credit system.
May Oculus go down in flames.
"The best and most immersive vr controllers" try the index friend.
I clicked on this because i thought it was a parody
You lost me at "designed by Facebook"
You had me at “included power cable”
I want to try it but for free
Seems legit
just sell your soul to facebook
Already got one mate