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Thank you for keeping Drones Compilations alive. By supporting us please share, like and subscribe to our channel! Top 5 Drones vs Humans # 1 …
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That last one! I thought I was watching an episode of Jackass!
I thought of getting a drone then I thought I'm a nerd but I'm not that level of nerd
Fish one I was knocking him out

The wedding scene!
really like drone players, waiting for the next video, greetings from Indonesia
Boys annoying people with their toys. Grow the fuck up
First guy work for the YouTube… because YouTube deleted 3 of my comments because I said bad things about him. Come on YouTube if someone is bad we just say that’s a bad person
Attacking a drone is a felony in the U.S. A drone is classified as an aircraft and it’s basically the same as shooting at a Boing. Multiple years in prison. I hope they called the cops.
Drones should be banned
in private areas
Menace activity’s
how can you keep yoru cool if that guy would detroy my drone so expensive i would fuck his ass up
1:20 people getting married
Drone: I’m about to end these peoples carrier
Why did don Vito brake that fooken drone wit his titties out what da hell mate
the first clip is huntington beach. Doesn't surprise me. lol
to be fair as much as i love drones, it should be 100% illegal for them to film over peoples houses as that is spying, and by filming i mean purposfully filming a house not just going over it and passing it with a camera at above 200ft.
Man, I would have actually murdered the first guy that smacked the drone and said I blacked out.
Drone: I'm sooo… Sorry. It's not my fault. It's the idiot who's flying me.
honestly, that guy flying his drone onto that couple should be in jail for the rest of his life…he did that on purpose
Props to dude at 1:40 who just threw the transmitter aside and went to check on the couple. The drone may have been his prized possession but the well being of people mattered more to him. Accidents happen, it's how you react that makes the most difference.
If you can't put the time into building your own, and hours on a simulator. Please pick another hobby.
i am planning to buy a drone
this youtuber it s sow saks
Some of the pilots in these clips are exactly the kind of people that have made the FAA crackdown on the rest of us. For shame.
Shoot them out of sky with shotguns that's fun
1:00 That's a reaper drone
I love the last one clip…
kamikaze lol