The Ring Always Home Cam is launching later this year. Ring might be pushing the privacy envelope in the wrong direction, but if this gadget has the right mix of …
The Ring Always Home Cam is launching later this year. Ring might be pushing the privacy envelope in the wrong direction, but if this gadget has the right mix of …
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See the Ring Always Home Cam here
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Problems with this video …
1. This guy's a dweeb
2. A real man grabs a gun and not a bat when there are bumps in the night (see #1)
3. If you are scared of outsiders seeing your security camera videos then you're not configuring the security features properly
4. The drone needs a mounted gun
These consoooomers will never be satisfied
I'm gonna wake up at 3am to a fly In my room but it's not a fly it's a ring drone
All this relies on the cameras being amazing and I can guarantee you when this comes out the cameras are going to be mediocre at best because if they gave you everything with version one you would not buy version two
Shut up
I think you need to leave the conspiracy theories and paranoia out of your review. All of the things you mentioned that you are worried about should still be up to the user if they want to have that function or not. For instance if they gave the ability to share video from inside the house, it could help inform people of possible threats in many cases better than the hard to see video's from outside cams. It should be up to the responsibility of the user to only post something that they want shown. The investigative abilities is great. I hope they do give it the ability to go upstairs. For now hopefully a second one for the upper floor would work. I hope they do give it a remote control ability as well. The ability to manually investigate your house outweighs the risk of someone else possibly trying to hack your camera. At most it should just alert you anytime the remote feature is being used so that if someone did manage to hack into the remote function, you would know. As far as I'm concerned this is definitely a good use of this technology.
Run time of only 5 minutes. Not for me.
can i buy un france ?
How does it maintain altitude? I would think a proximity sensor on the bottom?
It can’t even go upstairs
My other security drone is way better than this silly underpowered drone. I highly recommend it. My security drone doesn't have Artificial intelligence. It has natural intelligence. It's louder than the drone, it goes hours between charges, it can go upstairs, it doesn't stream live video to its corporate masters, and it has the added benefit of being able to actually subdue the intruder with its built in teeth…………………. a dog. It's a dog.
Looks great, I want it. But can it also fly spiral stairs? We have three floors to monitor.
all you have to do.. is bring a wifi jammer… and this will not matter.. another gimmick..
ehh.. no thanks.. this is just another way to get more info on people..
Unhealthy surveillance among communities. Huge red flags for civil liberties experts. That is entirely their problem, and absolutely no problem for me. I will lovingly provide any data regarding criminal activity to the police, and grin while doing it.
I don’t get this huge privacy concern. If you are worried just do t buy it. Also, why not remote control? If you are worried about hacking into remote control from just disable that function.
I can use this for other projects
Were can I buy
Dude! You appear to have a lot more enemies than most of us! I can tell from your demeanor you would not have liked it in Vietnam at all. In this world it appears we have whiners and complainers and I must ask you if you want some cheese with you whine? Best of luck!
Pls,seld quickly.
Try talking less and show drone more.
Imagine this at an office floor checking who's not working, sleeping, slacking, on their cellphone etc.
You do make some good points here. I'm sure you are aware that you're smartphone thanks to Google tracks everywhere you go correct? People I know that were none the wise could not believe when I showed them how to access such data. It literally shows what time you left your home, the gas station right down to the address how long you were at that gas station. Your drive to work what road or highway you took, how long you we're at work and it's location pretty much everywhere you go with your smartphone you can pull up records spanning months.
You will be waiting for a long time because it's a scam to make you look at there websites to increase sales IT'S NEVER COMING OUT MAYBE IN A FEW YEARS