Hey guys! This is another set of gadgets for all occasions to improve your daily routine. Don’t forget to write down in the comments, …
Hey guys! This is another set of gadgets for all occasions to improve your daily routine. Don’t forget to write down in the comments, …
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This must be for me because I am definitely a "man worth seeing".
Are they still cool gadgets if I am a Man that might not be Worth Seeing? Asking for a Friend…
Bionix is cool and also I can see it will crash every use.
Mini first aid kit? It's a couple of band aids, pins, and toilettes!
One watch dial is set for 11:40 and the other 11:50 because some time zones are ten minutes apart?
What a load of absolute grabbish
I just liked the last product the watch , the rest BS like Americans say!
Why are they only for the men that are worth seeing?
Very valuable ideas.
There's some cool stuff here but I wish that it wasn't 90% survival gear
That SWAT survival kit is brilliant. How do I get myself one… Great content as always. Bit of inspiration for my channel too
For the Steampunk Beetle. It will cost you $700 to help decimate a species. For the SWAT Survival Kit. What makes a tactical pen, "tactical"? The chair is one of the stupidest thing I seen in a long time, Who the hell would ever strap that on? Everything else seemed ok
I can't find the invention at 3:58 on Amazon and I need that because of my feet pain. Can someone please give me a Link.
This guy sounds like watop
wtf hell are you writing this vıdeo name like thıs 21 Coolest Gadgets for "Men" That Are Worth Seeing. Does gadgets good for women too! sexıst
pic is click bait
Why do they have to be for mens? That seems racist.
Why are these “for men”?
So, what do I have to do to get these? I'm a woman.
Ngl the bionic chair looks uncomfortable as hell
Does item have here in philippines
Just a bunch of junk.
all the gadgets are trash
Lex Bionic chair crazy gadget
Hey! Even men who are not worth seeing need cool gadgets!
How can I se the sites of this gadget pls?
Who are the men worth seeing?
Woooow, all of these are so cool! But I guess they're not for me because I'm a woman :'( Either that, or the title of this video was created in the 1950s.
"21 Coolest Gadgets for Men That Are Worth Seeing" How do we determine which men are worth seeing?
Lmfao the commentary has me rollin when it sounds like he goes off script.
Hello, could you ever review the Predator motorcycle helmets?
I know you meant women to lol
Please add the prices for the items. Also, why are these gadgets "for men"?
In the last 40 years I've never heard anyone complain about their wallets… Yet every vid shows Crappier and more expensive junk wallets.
Also…. Remember, just because "Tech" can be incorporated into every day items doesn't mean you need it. It just allows companies to charge more. Beware of the little Kits & Belt buckle accessories. They make small items to seem convenient and easily carried, but they are easily lost if a component is dropped in leaves or snow. Now you have to purchase the replacement item.