Jurassic World Evolution 2 reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation. While I can’t quite endorse Jurassic World Evolution 2 as a …
Jurassic World Evolution 2 reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation. While I can’t quite endorse Jurassic World Evolution 2 as a …
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Yet another game not to buy.
Just play ark survival
If you hover your mouse over 6:08, the thumbnail says "4" instead of "7". Anyone know what's up with that?
You can feel the salt sipping from this review XD
Nice job IGN you've been horrible
It's more of an expansion than a sequel.
Absolutely garbage 90 percent recycled
Massive joke of a game they changed hardly anything ! And removed some.things
Powerful goats must not be mocked! We mere mortals have no idea what power they really have! Glory to the goats, let them be eternal and saved! :p
Deserves higher
Low content !
Read the book to understand why the dinosaurs do not look like our modern understanding of them.
anyone hating on the game prolly has a smelly vagaina
I’ll buy it when it goes on sale
Winge winge winge.. its a freaking great game.
Hated the first one lol probably this gonna make me crazy
Rubbish review. The game is fantastic
Kinda odd how long it took for this review to drop along with little to no promotional content like the first title.
I'm wondering when the Review for the GTA Trilogy is gonna come if at all. Hmmmmm
Hey at least its not a 7 this time right?
Remember when IGN gave the first one a low review lol
Is it just me or are the freelance/in-house editors IGN hires lately pretty lazy/tired sounding with their reviews…?
Goat needs nerfed
A shame this is a park management simulator and not an action game. Imagine having missions such as being hunted by raptors in a jungle area or even a building and you have to stealthily reach safety. Or having to rescue someone that is stranded in a T-rex zone. The possibilities are endless and have not been tapped for that type of third or first person game with dinosaurs.
7, your welcome
This game is the reason gaming is going down the hill. Why would a studio waste their time with junk like this?
At least you guys gave this one an acceptable rating, you were waaaaay off with the first one!
I'd also give it a 7/10 but not for the reasons listed in this video. This vid didn't talk about Chaos theory and Challenge mode whatsoever, and it also felt like that whoever reviewed this game hadn't played the first JWE game in 2018