With Call of Duty: Vanguard comes another iteration of Zombies. Here’s what’s up with the new Zombies mode in COD Vanguard. In Der Anfang, the Zombies …
With Call of Duty: Vanguard comes another iteration of Zombies. Here’s what’s up with the new Zombies mode in COD Vanguard. In Der Anfang, the Zombies …
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Every year you swear there's no way to make this game worse, each year they set new records.
This game is garbage
My zombies looks really bright for some reason
7:15 tried to shoot his teammate.
This is the worst zombies ever released, ever
wow this is amazing! cannot believe they ruined zombies so much! this is so bad
So cold war zombies but on a different engine
This all looks dumb. Black ops 1 zombies was great and this looks too messy
Meh, skipping
This gane is so boring at launch , very woke also used german crosses insteas swtstika banners ugh smh
The golden age of cod zombies is gone
This game looks horrible compared to Cold War which had refreshed zombies for me :/
World at war zombies was awesome!
17 things to know: Everything you already know
Anyone know if it's splitscreen?
This looks dumb.
It’s a prequel to Cold War zombies!
All you need to know is you kill zombies in a zombie mode and it makes you feel like a zombie
Remember playing town high rounds?
This game is
Is this an out of season April fools joke?
Gorod Krovi>
"10/10 the guns fire bullets"~ IGN
dont ever call it that again
A disappointing mess.
is it splitscreen tho??
Minus well play CW zombies. It's time they get creative!
Recycled new skins. People who buy this game are the real zombies

Question when do we get an actual zombies mode?
Black ops 3 zombies are the best
It looks boring
This franchise needs to die already.
If you want things to change, switch to a different. not worth pasying 70 bucks for a game you constantly rage on.
Dont buy if you arent sure. Its the same game with a new skin, every year
DON'T BUY THIS GAME IF YOU WILL ONLY PLAY ZOMBIES. It's completely hot garbage. MP is ok. Zombies are 1/10
No one really cares.
Worst zombies mode I’ve ever played, absolutely horrible
Can play a Co-op offline?
They should sell this separately
Mystery weapon Box
just incase u forgot what it was 
suscrita. me gusto
Amazing how they never fail to disappoint smh
Why cant we just get a simple Zombie shooter like Black ops 2?!
Remember the zombie map "Origins" from BO2, so much fun and so much stuff you could do to prepare for the endless rounds miss those OG days.
They just ruined zombies
The game is rated M for mature but they dumb it down for kids
Waw the first zombies would eat vanguard zombies alive