A care home in Oxford is using virtual reality technology to help elderly people with dementia to retrieve some personal memories. Watch Lingohack to learn …
It's nice to see that somebody cares for these people
My husband Peter always wanted to go back to University of John Moores Liverpool when he graduated in 1995. This year we took a trip visiting UK. Hopefully this trip down Memory Lane would be an unforgettable memories and experience for him.
Thanks for this video. It' is very interesting to know how technology can help elderly people. Greetings from Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Thank you, BBC.
It'll be great not to sent elder people to care home. Maybey they'll never experience dementia in their own home and with their own families. They need love and care of their own family members, don't they? Will you be happy to be get out of your own home and to be sent to care home one day? It's UNFAIR.
Very short, but a lot to learn. Thanks a lot
This is the most awesome section of BBC LE I've discovered so far! Please, keep going with it, guys! Not too long, not too short, the video format and personal perspective make it fascinating to watch and discuss the stories afterwards. It's a brilliant learning source for upper-intermediate and advanced students and I have enormous fun watching it myself as a teacher. Marvelous job!
Wow, what an awesome idea!
This experience is true interesting . I would like to try even though I m under 18
Very interesting for both the English language and the VRT for people with dementia. Great stuff.
Hi there !
I love the way you take care about your elderly people. Where i live many of them don't have more choice than live and die without access to a care health system.
Thanks for show me how far from other countries we are.
It's not just our memory that can change as we get older, it's our political opinions and voting choices too! Find out more in this 6 Minute English: Do our political views change as we get older?
It's nice to see that somebody cares for these people
My husband Peter always wanted to go back to University of John Moores Liverpool when he graduated in 1995. This year we took a trip visiting UK. Hopefully this trip down Memory Lane would be an unforgettable memories and experience for him.
Thanks for this video. It' is very interesting to know how technology can help elderly people. Greetings from Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Thank you, BBC.
It'll be great not to sent elder people to care home. Maybey they'll never experience dementia in their own home and with their own families. They need love and care of their own family members, don't they?

Will you be happy to be get out of your own home and to be sent to care home one day? It's UNFAIR.
Very short, but a lot to learn. Thanks a lot
This is the most awesome section of BBC LE I've discovered so far! Please, keep going with it, guys! Not too long, not too short, the video format and personal perspective make it fascinating to watch and discuss the stories afterwards. It's a brilliant learning source for upper-intermediate and advanced students and I have enormous fun watching it myself as a teacher. Marvelous job!
Wow, what an awesome idea!

This experience is true interesting . I would like to try even though I m under 18
Very interesting for both the English language and the VRT for people with dementia. Great stuff.
Hi there !
I love the way you take care about your elderly people. Where i live many of them don't have more choice than live and die without access to a care health system.
Thanks for show me how far from other countries we are.
This experience is awesome!
Interesting topic!