Will Ethereum FLIP Bitcoin? Is a 10k Ethereum Price THIS CYCLE Possible? | Crypto Prediction

Will Ethereum FLIP Bitcoin? Is a 10k Ethereum Price THIS CYCLE Possible? | Crypto Prediction

Will Etherem Flip Bitcoin? Is 10k Possible? Michael Novack (CEO) & Marius Kierski (CTO) of MarketMove join us today to talk all about it! Full Interview: …


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About the Author: Altcoin Daily


  1. I enjoyed your video, I am actually tired of worrying about stocks and stuffs… its driving me nuts these days, I think cryptocurrency investment is far better than stocks…

  2. <Great video from a technical point of view the major challenges investors face may range from controlling impulsiveness to the frail of compulsion. Most newbies and would-be investors often undermine and often neglect the importance of technical analysis with regards to trading. Technical analysis overly predicts the movement of asset prices regardless of what is happening in the wider or broader market. Essentially, the process involves studying the parts of a particular asset movement in the past so as to establish a sustainable pattern that can be used to predict future movements. Permit me to say that Mr Miles Allan Rubin is an expert trader without flaws, the very best of his kind

  3. <If there is one thing I have learned in recent months it is to remain calm, especially when it comes to investments in cryptocurrencies. Learn not to sell in a panic when everything goes down and not to buy in euphoria when everything goes up. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.The market is very unstable and you can not tell if it's going bearish or bullish. While myself and others are trad! N without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to make 31.5BTC from 10.4 BTC in just August from implementing trades with tips and info from Alex Lucas

  4. ETH will reach at least 5000 by the end of 2021, then possibly 5500-6000 by January 2022. Then by the end of the bullrun in the first months of 2022, it will jump back to 3500-4000 as a new low.

  5. Eth maxis are usually rich already, it's like they're unaware of the gas fees. It's easier to see sol, avax, Ada flip eth at this point. I sold all my eth and bought Sol like 4 months ago. No regrets.

  6. <As expected, Bitcoin reached its all time high. It’s expected that the long volatile route to the top starts now, where I expect Bitcoin’s peak around Christmas. We often see that when Bitcoin makes a move, the altcoins follow in the two weeks after, which could explain the latest surge in Ethereum and Solana. As big as Bitcoin is now, it’s a mere fraction of what it will be so it never too late, one important note is to follow the guidance of a professional

    <In three weeks of trading I have been able to make 9.2 btc using signals from harrys dent trade. they can easily be reached on Telegram 💬 as [HarrysDent].

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