Bitcoin: 2022 Will Be INSANE!

Bitcoin: 2022 Will Be INSANE!

Bitcoin 2022 will be insane! BTC ETF, Crypto news, Bitcoin analysis. BINANCE $700 BONUS + 10% OFF FEES ▻▻ WEALTH …


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About the Author: Lark Davis


  1. I’m worried we’ll all make it big only to be locked in our houses and a continuous jabs administered until we’re all fucked. Proudly sponsored by The World Economic Forum…

  2. What happened to the beard and stash? Let me guess, a women? You look way more like someone you wouldn't let your kid near now. 🤣

  3. I’m new so not experienced enough to trade and make profits from that. So far the altcoins even Etherium aren’t rising at all and most others are red

  4. Will be – in the title. Could be is your first words, no one likes conflictions. We all know it may end by year end bro. Cheers

  5. Take profits over 100k.. buy back in on the correction, make your position in btc greater than before,

    Same with your alts, take profits at the top then accumulate that sweet sweet btc on them tasty dips

  6. Still waiting for the day my utility bills, taxes on home and groceries bills can be paid with crypto, that is the day I stop withdraws in fiat

  7. By 2024 there will not be another democrat elected for thousands of years as Bitcoin replaces the kaynesian financial pyramid scheme everyone is complaining about. Companies will invest in actual quality of life improving new tech instead of just buying back their own stock and Dukes of Hazzard reruns will be uncancelled and the 15 lost and previously unaired seasons will replace the current primetime woke sitcoms and 24hr lie cycles on cable. Utopia!

  8. Curious to know your thoughts on emp phenomena interfering with the crypto market ?either natural or man made. Is the data staying on the surface of the earth or is it going to a satellite and coming back ? All of people are using emp attacks as a reason to keep their assets in physical cash? I don't think it's practical

  9. The reality is this bullrun might be over in 3 to 4 months. As soon things start going straight up im DCAing out and I hope to buy the blood in early 2023

  10. I don't think we will go below $42K again. Not sure what percent corrections would test that. My cost basis for my real BTC is $12K and think below that highly unlikely. Hoping for about $100K and hope it stays near there long enough for me to take profits on my CI Galaxy Bitcoin ETF in my IRA. Need some fiat early in the year for taxes and other stuff and don't want to dip too far into my IRA and also maintain exposure there to BTC.

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