Ever getting tired of driving to and from the airport and then flying in a packed cabin? Check out this list of futuristic personal lightweight aircrafts that might not ever require a landing strip and luxurious private jets for extreme comfort and speed of the flight.
Flying transport featured in this video:
Bell FCX-001: www.bellhelicopter.com/news/press-release/2017/3/bell-helicopter-vision-for-future
Icon A5: http://iconaircraft.com/
The Co50 Valkyrie: www.cobalt-aircraft.com/co50-valkyrie/
Valkyrie in flight: www.planeandpilotmag.com/article/video-top-secret-star-wars-like-valkyrie-first-flight-revealed
E-Fan 2.0: www.airbusgroup.com/int/en/corporate-social-responsibility/airbus-e-fan-the-future-of-electric-aircraft.html
FLYNANO: flynano.com/
SOLAR IMPULSE 2: www.solarimpulse.com/
Aerion AS2: www.aerionsupersonic.com/press-center/
XTI AIRCRAFT: www.xtiaircraft.com/home/
Vision Vtol: www.visionvtol.weebly.com/vision-vtol.html
Lilium Jet: https://lilium.com/
Plural for "aircraft" is "aircraft". There's no "S" at the end!
Doesn't take a big brain to know that an aircraft company that does NOT have at least a working prototype isn't really an aircraft company, riiiight?
Buat. Icun yg banyak . Yang akan saya. Promo kan. Dengan harga 300. Juta rupiah . Franki.
Hey, CHINA! Learn English, already. The word “Aircraft” in ENGLISH is both singular AND plural. FIGURE IT OUT.
I hope electric crafts will have greater ranger soon. Right now it short. All of the air crafts should have ample luggage space for traveling and not just cummuting
I would want something akin to The A-10 Warthog….. Good speed but also maneuverability at slower speeds.
They need to make a personal flying vehicle that people can afford.with technology of graphene batteries technology and of mass production manufacturing the affordability should be possible.
This guy just said that conventional engines pollute our planet with C02!! Carbon dioxide is produced naturally, it's what we breathe out, and it's what plants and trees need to survive.. take your left wing climate change bulls.h*t somewhere else moron!
Old technology -> UFO patent :https://patents.google.com/patent/US20050029397A1/en?q=B64G1%2f409&page=5
two motors are more safety…..

9. Best
Why do all of these look so ugly
Plural for Aircraft is: Aircraft…
Whoever narrated this s#!+ should learn how to talk.
My money is on the Co50 Cobalt Valkyrie. It gives a spectacular view and much more economical than a light business jet, but gets you to your destination about as fast.
zero emissions? get real no such thing. I shouldn't even have to say that anymore
Did not work on mine
Nice Video Sir' Great Audio and Graphics!
Now Wtf? People Trashin This Gentelmans English? At Leaste He's Trying! ' His English is Far Better Than My Whatever His Home Language Is?!' You Can Still Understand Him, and Besides Accents are Cool'
> Frkin Arrogance of US Trols is Pathetic! Get back to 'Faux Nuuz'_ Yer Cruelaid is Waiting in Yer Gernade Shaped Sippy Cup_ jrks,' Be The Peace You Say You Seek
The production Lilium has a 5 passenger capacity according to their website info. The 2 place was just a proof of concept.
I doubt that someday we will see any non military vtol Aircraft, maybe some tiltrotor in civilian use (police, coastguard)
Stop saying and typing aircraftS …the plural for aircraft is still AIRCRAFT..NO "S". ANNOYING
there's no way that the one called VTOL could sustain level flight with all edf's in the full horizontal thrust position… no wing, no vertical thrust equals plummet to the ground…
The Lilium (#10) looks interesting, but I would be scared poopless to fly something that's propelled by what look like a bunch of computer cooling fans.
Việt nam có khả năng chể tạo máy bay không người lái thế hệ như vậy
The Icon keeps on killing.
What is an "..aircrafts.." then. [Aussie in BC]
why Airbus does not integrate solar cells on the wings is beyond me. Seems pretty obvious.
The plural of aircraft is aircraft.
Thanks brother
As it has already been said oin the coments, you need to learn proper english not engrish read this https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/255727/why-is-the-plural-of-aircraft-not-aircrafts
Good God you buffoons. Lightweight AIRCRAFT NOT AIRCRAFTS. Pathetic
The FlyNano isn’t a aircraft but a Ekranoplane a ground effect vehicle