You've been asked several tiems to go over how you come up with your ornage line levels but to date havent mentioned anyhting. please make a video going over some of the reasons you are usuing these levels. Are they fib, supoort and resistance/ both? thanks.
Luffy inu get listed on 26 and 28 on Bitmart and Whitebit and Next month Gate io you now what that means the price skyrocket soon
How do we buy into the Cryptopolis project? Do we buy game tokens and stake them or ??????
Thanks Satoshi
ETF gives institutionals the opportunity to dump it to the street. be prepared for it.
Goku Inu is about to go to the moon
Dear Satoshi, I am a big fan. I can’t find your video that predicted the price of Bitcoin correctly for September and October. You predicted December will be usd 138 k if I am not mistaken. Could you send me that video link here?
How can I buy crypto polis tokens?
Buy the hype sell the news
Thanks for the early heads up, regarding to these tokens
Would be nice if you´d elaborate a bit more about your orange lines and how you find them. Are they fib levels?
Most people purchase bitcoins as a form of currency speculation betting that the US dollar value of one bitcoin will be higher in the future than it is today an incredibly speculative and volatile buy It’s worth and recently increased in value, but some of us don't know how to take advantage of this cryptocurrency many people hesitate to trade owing to their negative experiences many people have lost money by indulging in uninformed speculation, or by taking ill-informed decisions.
Not just Bitcoin but crypto. There’s so many changes coming technology wise and the crypto market will lead the way.
From which crypto app we can buy cryptopolis? Thank you
Cristiano you sir are a legend! Keep up the great work! Made $10k on my last Eth trade thanks to you so THANK YOU!!
Thanks a lot, Crystiano. Always a pleasure to watch your video
where can I find "International Markets"-Chart on Tradingview, please?
Up Up Up !!!!!!!!!!
Alt season coming up
It's going down. ETF sell the news.
Sucessful eth trade because of you taking profits at 3,9k for eth
Lets go ma mannn
Keep up the great work Cristiano been with u since dec 202p
You've been asked several tiems to go over how you come up with your ornage line levels but to date havent mentioned anyhting. please make a video going over some of the reasons you are usuing these levels. Are they fib, supoort and resistance/ both? thanks.
Luffy inu get listed on 26 and 28 on Bitmart and Whitebit and Next month Gate io you now what that means the price skyrocket soon
How do we buy into the Cryptopolis project? Do we buy game tokens and stake them or ??????
Thanks Satoshi
ETF gives institutionals the opportunity to dump it to the street. be prepared for it.
Goku Inu is about to go to the moon

Dear Satoshi, I am a big fan. I can’t find your video that predicted the price of Bitcoin correctly for September and October. You predicted December will be usd 138 k if I am not mistaken. Could you send me that video link here?
How can I buy crypto polis tokens?
Buy the hype sell the news
Thanks for the early heads up, regarding to these tokens
Would be nice if you´d elaborate a bit more about your orange lines and how you find them. Are they fib levels?
Most people purchase bitcoins as a form of currency speculation betting that the US dollar value of one bitcoin will be higher in the future than it is today an incredibly speculative and volatile buy It’s worth and recently increased in value, but some of us don't know how to take advantage of this cryptocurrency many people hesitate to trade owing to their negative experiences many people have lost money by indulging in uninformed speculation, or by taking ill-informed decisions.
Not just Bitcoin but crypto. There’s so many changes coming technology wise and the crypto market will lead the way.
From which crypto app we can buy cryptopolis? Thank you
Cristiano you sir are a legend! Keep up the great work! Made $10k on my last Eth trade thanks to you so THANK YOU!!

Thanks a lot, Crystiano. Always a pleasure to watch your video
where can I find "International Markets"-Chart on Tradingview, please?
Up Up Up !!!!!!!!!!
Alt season coming up
It's going down. ETF sell the news.
Sucessful eth trade because of you
taking profits at 3,9k for eth
Lets go ma mannn
Keep up the great work Cristiano been with u since dec 202p
Mweh second