Bitcoin & Crypto A MAJOR RISK!!!

Bitcoin & Crypto A MAJOR RISK!!!

Bitcoin and crypto a big risk to system! BTC analysis, NFT, crypto news BINANCE $700 BONUS + 10% OFF FEES ▻▻ WEALTH …


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About the Author: Lark Davis


  1. The IRS flagged me for a home office claim in 2013– they spent 2 days going over my business expenses and after all that told me i owed them $150 bucks. They waited 6 months to send me the bill (to which they added on interest!) I fought the interest, didn't have to pay. I hope the IRS had fun wasting everyones time.

  2. Lark, if you could run for president of the United States, I would vote for you. Smart, knowledgeable, sees through BS from the elites of the world, and has a heart of gold. ❤️

  3. There is no risk if you just keep holding. Or if you buying the dip instead of selling. I don't have more USDT if BTC falls but at least I will not FOMO when BTC goes up.

  4. 2 days ago, You just said Bitcoin to $200,000 and today it is at risk. This weekend, it will have a big news again. Oh my head hurt 🤕

  5. I can see a new role in your future. Advisor to Janet Yellen? Or Gary Gensler? Or an exec role with the IMF or JP Morgan? 🤑 Seriously though, I love your work, you're crypto's version of the late, great Christopher Hitchens, delivered with an enticing degree of maturity, cynicism and good natured fun!

  6. Love your content always great advice. I have to slightly disagree with the mainstream getting into NFT’s unless it’s made a lot easier for the average person to do so, no one outside the crypto sphere understands how to connect a WEB3 wallet & understands gas fees etc & how to buy a NFT without some technical knowledge. It’s very easy for us who know but for those who don’t it can be extremely daunting & I can’t see them using these platforms until it’s as easy as click & collect.

  7. C'mon Lark, change the introduction to your videos it comes across a little patronising which is a shame as your content is usually good 👍
    F'k all that YouTube algorithm sh't

  8. I still have yet to have someone explain to me why they'd pay for something with a volitile crypto that could go up in value VS fiat or a stablecoin that only goes down in value. But considering how many services are offering this, I guess I'm the dumb one

  9. $600 IRS Reporting, seriously. The best way to tax people is via a sales tax, the rich cannot avoid it. If you buy shit, you pay tax. Its the only way it should be. Rich people buy expensive crap. Just don't tax income, its messy.

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