Is there a way to make that work with a VR helmet ? Can't manage to do it with the Quest 2. Thanks
Infinite perspective
Can I live in non-euclidean space? That will be a fascinating world to work around.
Ah, I was confused on my first watch about why the vertex is connected to infinitely many cubes, but now I realized it's not like the normal hyperbolic square tiling that is common when showing 2D hyperbolic space, but rather one where (if we're still in 2D) the vertices of the squares are all at infinity. So the icosahedron looking things are actually the equivalent of horocycles.
By the way, is it possible to have a regular cube tiling with a finite number of cubes per vertex? My brain can't think past the 2D case…
Dude this is so cool but I would totally yack if I tried this, vr makes me dizzy already
Cu- Cubes? I don't see none o' those buckaroo.
IM GONNA ATTEMPT THIS ON THE OCULUS QUESTTT (firefox reality) report: i also checked it out on the oculus browser but both failed (theres the one circle app so if you too own a oculus quest (or quest 2) then download firefox and try to do the vr for me it didnt work
Oh, I get it now. All the people who say VR makes them sick demo'd this instead of video games.
The is fascinating and good to know but what can this is be used for?
By gods, He did it… The Infinte Monkey Cage
Scissors cuts paper, Paper covers rock, Rock crushes lizard, Lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, Scissors decapitate lizard, Lizard eats paper, Paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, Rock crushes scissors.
looks like you're shifting through different dimensions
It's the purest ecstasy to see so many esteemers of Lovecraft's talent here in the comment section!
You freaked me out when you were nearing the bay window: we do live in a locally curved space, you know!
How to take psychedelics without taking psychedelics
welcome to the pre-truncated 3-torus
Is H×E2 a thing? What would it look like? If the hyperbolic one was, say, forward/backward (if you were facing a certain way), but up/down and left/right were euclidean, would that even, like, make sense? 'cause I can kinda see a hyperbolic plane with a euclidean up/down but adding a hyperbolic direction perpendicular to a euclidean one, I dunno even what the heck that would look like… Also I must be tired, cause normally I'd be too starstruck to even consider trying to ask you a question directly… You are both SO COOL…
Sincerely, Cat
Imagine if you could make a non Euclidean escape room
Why is no one talking about when he said "put the monkeys in"
I don’t think this is a good model of non-Euclidean geometry, because it didn’t effect the unit space very well, so it is like Euclidean cubes put together in the corner, rather than the smooth hyperbolic space with rectangles having less than 360 degrees inner angle sum
Is this jazza
There needs to be a horror vr game where you explore a non-euclidian mansion that's huge while still excisting in a small room. Then you could actually walk around it in real life while in vr.
Things change as you look at them from different angles, like in a dream. I would call this video "Hyperbolic dreams"
idk how he didn't puke
Just kinda wish they did one for 3D spherical geometry. They could have used a tiling of the surface of a hyper sphere.
kill an enemy with an eSword and harvest his bones and organs to sell in the village for silver coins
That head-rotating mechanic looks trippy from the inside and hilarious from the outside.
I’m pretty sure they are not cubes
Isn’t this Euclidean? Love craft confused those words on his writing, and the word for buildings/constructs created with a curve is Euclidean is it not..?
This is trypophobic
What an amazing visualization!
My 3-dimensional brain is blown away
Now do the universal cover of SL(2,R). It's a fiber bundle over the hyperbolic plane, it should solve some of the issues with H2 x R
"Joe Rogan has entered the chat"
I'm naturally very resilient to motion sickness in vr.
..this will make me puke. This defies the laws of existance itself.
Looks like a non-euclidean fractal.
Ahhh I love having -100 brain cells at 2 am
Man if I had a very large playing field, you already KNOW i'd be running for miles in this thing
Is there a way to make that work with a VR helmet ? Can't manage to do it with the Quest 2. Thanks
Infinite perspective
Can I live in non-euclidean space? That will be a fascinating world to work around.
Ah, I was confused on my first watch about why the vertex is connected to infinitely many cubes, but now I realized it's not like the normal hyperbolic square tiling that is common when showing 2D hyperbolic space, but rather one where (if we're still in 2D) the vertices of the squares are all at infinity. So the icosahedron looking things are actually the equivalent of horocycles.
By the way, is it possible to have a regular cube tiling with a finite number of cubes per vertex? My brain can't think past the 2D case…
Dude this is so cool but I would totally yack if I tried this, vr makes me dizzy already
Cu- Cubes? I don't see none o' those buckaroo.
report: i also checked it out on the oculus browser but both failed (theres the one circle app so if you too own a oculus quest (or quest 2) then download firefox and try to do the vr for me it didnt work
Oh, I get it now. All the people who say VR makes them sick demo'd this instead of video games.
The is fascinating and good to know but what can this is be used for?
By gods, He did it… The Infinte Monkey Cage
Scissors cuts paper,
Paper covers rock,
Rock crushes lizard,
Lizard poisons Spock,
Spock smashes scissors,
Scissors decapitate lizard,
Lizard eats paper,
Paper disproves Spock,
Spock vaporizes rock,
Rock crushes scissors.
looks like you're shifting through different dimensions
It's the purest ecstasy to see so many esteemers of Lovecraft's talent here in the comment section!
You freaked me out when you were nearing the bay window: we do live in a locally curved space, you know!
How to take psychedelics without taking psychedelics
welcome to the pre-truncated 3-torus
Is H×E2 a thing? What would it look like? If the hyperbolic one was, say, forward/backward (if you were facing a certain way), but up/down and left/right were euclidean, would that even, like, make sense? 'cause I can kinda see a hyperbolic plane with a euclidean up/down but adding a hyperbolic direction perpendicular to a euclidean one, I dunno even what the heck that would look like…
Also I must be tired, cause normally I'd be too starstruck to even consider trying to ask you a question directly… You are both SO COOL…
Sincerely, Cat
Imagine if you could make a non Euclidean escape room
Why is no one talking about when he said "put the monkeys in"
I don’t think this is a good model of non-Euclidean geometry, because it didn’t effect the unit space very well, so it is like Euclidean cubes put together in the corner, rather than the smooth hyperbolic space with rectangles having less than 360 degrees inner angle sum
Is this jazza
There needs to be a horror vr game where you explore a non-euclidian mansion that's huge while still excisting in a small room. Then you could actually walk around it in real life while in vr.
Things change as you look at them from different angles, like in a dream. I would call this video "Hyperbolic dreams"
idk how he didn't puke
Just kinda wish they did one for 3D spherical geometry. They could have used a tiling of the surface of a hyper sphere.
kill an enemy with an eSword and harvest his bones and organs to sell in the village for silver coins
That head-rotating mechanic looks trippy from the inside and hilarious from the outside.
I’m pretty sure they are not cubes
Isn’t this Euclidean? Love craft confused those words on his writing, and the word for buildings/constructs created with a curve is Euclidean is it not..?
This is trypophobic
What an amazing visualization!
My 3-dimensional brain is blown away
Now do the universal cover of SL(2,R). It's a fiber bundle over the hyperbolic plane, it should solve some of the issues with H2 x R
"Joe Rogan has entered the chat"
I'm naturally very resilient to motion sickness in vr.
..this will make me puke.
This defies the laws of existance itself.
Looks like a non-euclidean fractal.
Ahhh I love having -100 brain cells at 2 am
Man if I had a very large playing field, you already KNOW i'd be running for miles in this thing